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The next BTC crash could be something to behold

Also on my blog with better formatting, cute footnotes and inlined images.
Note that not much here is new material, mostly rehashing existing points.


This article started out as research for my betting against Bitcoin on the stock market. This isn't financial advice. As a matter of fact, I encourage all readers you to not buy or short crypto, through any market or derivative. Use your money for productive uses.
Here's a TL;DR:
  1. The current parabolic price increase in Bitcoin is a bubble that has started popping.
  2. A stablecoin called Tether is either one of the largest frauds or money laundering operation in history, and is providing most of the liquidity in the cryptocurrency ecosystem.
  3. A BTC bubble pop, incoming regulation on stablecoins or the current NYAG investigation into tether will expose tether's insolvency to the crypto market. This is bigger than it sounds.
  4. (Speculative, but one can hope) Current prices to mine BTC could end up higher than BTC market price, exposing BTC to a 51% attack.

A Recap: Bitcoin is useless and should go away

Bitcoin serves no purpose. Let's just rehash that by quickly debunking the major claimed uses over time as seen here
The stupidest version of the "uncorrelated asset" argument I hear is "Bitcoin is a great hedge for inflation!"
You know what's a good "hedge for inflation"? Literally anything. The definition of inflation is "the price of money". If the price of money goes down (inflation) then everything else has a positive return by comparison.
People who say "bitcoin is a good hedge for inflation" shouldn't be trusted to manage their own money, let alone give financial advice to anyone.
I already went into detail into this, but BTC is a terrible store of value because it's volatile. Assets that can lose 20% of value overnight don't "store value". BTC is a "vehicle for speculation".
The only way price is sustained for BTC is that you can find some other idiot to sell it to. Just as a reminder, 50% of Gold is used for things that aren't speculation, like Jewelry, so you'll never have to worry finding a seller there.
Here are some real uses for bitcoin:
Reminder: BTC is an ecological scourge
The current cost to mine a BTC is around $8000 in electricity. This electricity mostly comes from subsidized coal in China.
And given the current amount of BTC generated each day, we're using about equivalent to the electricity from all of Belgium, largely in coal, to keep this going.
I don't mind wasting time on intellectual curiosities, but destroying our planet for glorified gambling is not something I'm happy about. I want cryptocurrencies to go away entirely on this basis, philosophically.

Current BTC prices are a bubble

Before we go into tether, reminder that at the time of writing, the plot of BTC price against the S&P500 looks like this
BTC price has increased by ~800% since March. Still, no one uses it for anything useful since the last bubble in 2017, or the other one before that in 2013. This is another bubble however you put it.
BTC is not "new technology"
10 years the internet became popular, Google and Amazon already existed. We're 8 years after the popular emergence of deep learning and it has already revolutionized machine translation, computer vision and natural language processing in general.
You could argue that deep learning and the internet existed before their emergence, but so did cryptocurrencies. Look up b-money and hashcash for instance.
Bitcoin has existed since 2008 and emerged in popularity around the same time as deep learning did, yet we're still to find actual uses for it except speculation and criminal uses. It's a solution waiting for a problem.
Institutional investors are also idiots
The narrative this time is that "institutional investors" are buying into BTC. This doesn't mean it's not a bubble.
Many of the institutions were buying through Grayscale Bitcoin Trust. Rather, many of them were chasing the premium over net asset value that hovered around 20%. Basically, lock money in GBTC for 6 months, cash out and collect the premium as profit. Of course, this little Ponzi couldn't last forever and the premium seems to be evaporating now.
Similarly, totally-not-a-bitcoin-ETF-wearing-a-software-company-skinsuit Microstrategy (MSTR) trades at a massive premium over fundamentals.
There will always be traders chasing bonuses from numbers going up, regardless what is making the number going up. The same "institutional investors" were buying obviously terrible CDOs in the run-up to 2008.

Tether is lunacy

Tether is a cryptocurrency whose exchange rate is supposed to be pegged to the US Dollar. Initially this was done by having 1-to-1 US Dollar reserves for each tether issued. Then they got scammed by their money launderer, losing some $800M, which made them insolvent.
Anyway, now tether maintains their reserves are whatever they want them to be and they haven't gotten audited since 2017.
You know, normal stuff.
There's a problem to backing your USD-pegged security with something that isn't US Dollars. Namely, if the price of the thing you're backing your US Dollars against goes down, you're now insolvent. If you were backing $10B in tether with $10B of bitcoin, then the bitcoin drops by half, you're insolvent by $5B.
And then this spotlessly clean company they somehow added $20B to their balance sheet in the second half of 2020
Reminder: one side of that balance sheet is currently floating around the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Cryptocurrency traders own it as an asset and sell it to others. The other half of the balance sheet is whatever tether wants.
There are only two possibilities that explain tether's growth:
It could also be a happy mix of both.
One particularly interesting date is 30/8/2020, where tether added $3B to its balance sheet overnight. This is interesting because it predates the subsequent movement in bitcoin price and large movements in other cryptocurrencies.
The story from tether and tether's bank's CEO is that this money largely comes from foreign nationals through an OTC desk which implies the transaction goes as following:
  1. A foreign national sends money in a foreign currency to an OTC desk. This is exactly as clean as you'd think -- often raw cash transactions in the millions.
  2. That OTC desk converts the money to USD and sends it to tether's correspondent US bank. The OTC desk gives tether to the foreign national.
  3. Wait tether has a correspondent US bank?
Oh, I forgot to mention, no bank wants tether as a customer because they obviously break KYC/AML compliance. So tether first bought invested in a bank called Noble which then lost its relationship with Wells-Fargo when they realized tether were lying to them about AML. Poor tether lost its legal access to USD.
Tether has been banking in the Bahamas with a bank called Deltec since. First they had a money launderer called Crypto Capital Corp to send funds to customers, who stole the $800M from them and subsequently went to jail.
But worry not! Tether found a way to get banked in USD afterwards. Curious coincidence, an executive at Deltec was randomly blogging about buying small US community banks in 2018. You know, that thing money launderers do.
So tether's story is that in 2020, they took in roughly twenty billion USD of shady foreign money into the small community US bank their deltec bankers bought. These transactions are necessarily breaking KYC/AML. The foreign parties to those transactions wouldn't take such a rickety route to convert billions into cryptocurrencies if they weren't laughed out of the room in serious banks.
But of course, Deltec will say it did KYC on tether. Really solid KYC, clearly, since they're the last bank on earth taking tether's business. Tether says they do KYC on their customers (the large OTC desks). And I'm sure the OTC desks would be shocked, shocked if the cash money they get in Russia and China turns out to be dirty. So everyone can pass the buck of responsibility down the road and claim "We do KYC on our customers".
Sure you do, tether. If you did such great KYC, you wouldn't have such problems finding banking relationships. I mean when even HSBC is not doing business with you you're apparently more obviously moving criminal money than fucking drug cartels.
And, according to tether's people, this money is what's backing tether's reserves. Money that will get frozen the instant a prosecutor even looks at it.
Reminder: the above is the charitable, positive case for tether.
The less charitable case is that they took crayons and added zeros to their balance sheet, and that there's a couple billions waiting to burn a hole in the crypto ecosystem.
Anyway, the $25B garbage fire that is tether will make a great book/netflix series at some point and their hilariously stupid CTO going on podcasts while flinching on questions about how BTC ended up on their balance sheet will be a fun part of it.
But I'm not here to write a book, I'm here to make money by shorting all of this. For my purposes, even in the positive case tether is a ticking time bomb waiting to burn a hole in the crypto ecosystem, because...

KYC and AML are coming for cryptocurrencies

If you listen to "crypto news", all incoming crypto regulation is just great, because that means crypto is becoming legit. However, companies investing in crypto are very angry about them.
This is because crypto transactions break the FinCEN travel rule, where KYC information should "travel" along transactions, to prevent money laundering obfuscation schemes.
Of course, according to the crypto industry this is "stifling innovation". A more reasonable take is that by being leaving the crypto industry outside normal financial regulations, we're enabling a "race to the bottom". As we saw with shadow banks in the 2000-2007 era this leads to "creative banking". I don't want my bankers to be creative, I want them to be solvent.

Tether's effect on the crypto ecosystem

When tether implodes, it's taking most of the crypto industry along for a fun ride. Tether can implode in one of a few ways:
  1. A BTC price crash triggers it. If
  2. Regulators decide they've had enough of AML avoidance and regulate them.
  3. The NYAG investigation, which is waiting for an update in a few weeks, finds something and shuts them out.
Let's assume tether falls to $0 for simplicity. The analysis is the same directionally if tether significantly "breaks the buck".
This doesn't happen instantly, but it happens quickly. The peg breaks, and most people holding tether will try to sell it for other crypto (BTC, ETH, etc.). This puts downward pressure on the price of tether, incentivizing even more people to "pass the buck". Automated inter-exchange arbitrage bots might try to exploit emerging gaps in bid-ask spreads, only to end up with worthless tether instead, as their operators rush to pull the plug.
Then, we have a small village of cryptocurrency enthusiasts being out some $24B. With the trading bots turned off and the trading lubricant (a dollar pegged asset) gone, the bid-ask spreads blow up. You get a predictable flight to safety -- that is, to real money. This puts downward pressure on BTC.
While all of this is happening, there are all sorts of fun second-order effects happen. A lot of DeFi derivative products are priced in cryptocurrencies, so having normally stable prices shuffle around (eg. USDC price moving above $1 in a flight to safety) triggers a tsunami of margin calls. Some exchanges might insolvent (they're the ones redeeming tether for USD after all).

If BTC price drops below $8000, fun things happen

Currently, the price to mine a BTC is roughly $8000. Most of the mining comes from huge mining farms using subsidized coal in China, and mining costs more the more hardware there is to mine it.
Since the price of BTC hasn't substantially dropped below cost to mine we're in for a fun experiment if the price drops below this threshold. Most of these farms should turn off so that the price to mine comes back to breakeven in a case of prisoner's dilemma.
But if too much hardware turns off, this leaves mining hardware idle and the door becomes wide open to a 51% attack. It's not clear at what price below breakeven cost to mine a 51% attack becomes a serious threat, but once this threshold is crossed, we're in the "irreparable harm to BTC" risk zone.
And for a person like me, who just wants to see crypto disappear forever this is very exciting.
Maybe those mining farms could be replaced with nice forests soaking up all the carbon they emitted for posterity. One can hope.

How do I bet against all of this?

Microstrategy (MSTR) is, at this point, a bitcoin ETF wearing the skinsuit of a dying software company.
Michael Saylor, MSTR's CEO, is quite the character. I wrote a lot about his lack understanding of what a currency is, but it's on another level to look at the early stages of a bubble pop and decide this is a good time to buy $10M more of the stuff, as seen here
However, this bubble is tame by Michael's standards. Look at the historical stock of his company
What's happening on the left is that Saylor pumped the numbers with accounting fraud then the SEC took issue with the fake numbers. The stock dropped 90% practically overnight. Their accountants, PWC, paid $51M in fines. Saylor and friends paid fines, partly with company stock.
You could also short GBTC, but when Mr. Saylor provides you with an options market instead, why not use it? Shorting on crypto exchanges that might become insolvent in the very event you want to happen with this bet is a bad idea, on the other hand.

Mike can't cash out

The bitcoin market is illiquid and leveraged when it comes to real money coming in and leaving the ecosystem. Buys in the $10M-$100M seemingly move the price of BTC by upwards of $1000 in the last weeks. This means hundreds of millions of real money means tens of billions in movement in BTC market capitalization.
Now imagine what cashing $1.1B of BTC into real money would mean for the price. And this is purely in market terms, before the PR damage from bitcoin's demigod abandoning ship would have second-order effects.
Saylor has painted himself into a corner. Even if he wanted to cash out, he can't.

MSTR fundamentals: Why it should be valued below $10

In early 2020, MSTR was a slowly dying business. The EBITDA has been rapidly evaporating in the last 5 years
At that point, MSTR a stock price of $115 meaning a market cap of $1.1B. This included some $560M of cash they were sitting on. I presume the remaining $550M was an implicit sales premium for the inevitable private equity firm investors expected was going to relieve them of this stock and make the business profitable again.
Of course, they didn't sell.
Instead, they took the $560m they were sitting on and bought $400m of BTC at prices $11k and $13k in late summer 2020. Then, in early December, they took on $600m of debt to buy BTC with at $23k. They also bought $10m more in January at a price of $30.5k.
At this point, we can mostly value MSTR like a trust.
GBTC's 20% premium-to-NAV is a joke compared to the MSTR premium.
submitted by VodkaHaze to Buttcoin [link] [comments]

Lost in the Sauce: Rules finalized to take away LQBTQ rights, cement border wall, sell oil rights

Welcome to Lost in the Sauce, keeping you caught up on political and legal news that often gets buried in distractions and theater… or a global health crisis.
I am doing a separate post for the insurrection and related events. I think it is important to make sure the news in this post doesn't get overlooked.


A new report by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) found that Trump political appointees politicized intelligence around foreign election interference in 2020, resulting in significant errors. ODNI analytic ombudsman Barry Zulauf delivered the report to Congress on Thursday: “Analysis on foreign election interference was delayed, distorted or obstructed out of concern over policymaker reactions or for political reasons.” The biggest misrepresentation of intel involved diminishing the threat posed by Russia and overstating the risk of interference from China.
“Russia analysts assessed that there was clear and credible evidence of Russian election influence activities. They said IC management slowing down or not wanting to take their analysis to customers, claiming that it was not well received, frustrated them. Analysts saw this as suppression of intelligence, bordering on politicization of intelligence from above.”
  • WaPo: Zulauf, a career official, also found an “egregious” example of attempted politicization of the Russian interference issue in March talking points on foreign election threats, prepared “presumably by ODNI staff” and “shaped by” then-Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell.
The Justice Department and the federal judiciary revealed that the Russian Solar Winds hack also compromised their computer systems. 3% of the DOJ’s Microsoft Office 365 were potentially affected; it does not appear that classified material was accessed. The impact on the judiciary seems much more significant, jeopardizing “highly sensitive confidential documents filed with the courts.”
The sealed court files, if indeed breached, could hold information about national security, trade secrets and wiretap transcripts, along with financial data from bankruptcy cases and the names of confidential informants in criminal cases...


D.C. Attorney General Karl Racine has accused U.S. Agency for Global Media Director Michael Pack of funneling $4 million in nonprofit funds to his own for-profit company. In a civil lawsuit filed last week, Racine states that for over 12 years, Pack used a nonprofit company he owned to direct money to his private documentary company, enabling “Pack to line his company’s coffers with a stream of tax-exempt dollars without...a competitive bidding process, public scrutiny, or accounting requirements regarding its spending.”
Employees at Voice of America have filed a whistleblower complaint accusing Pack of using the agency “to disseminate political propaganda in the waning days of the Trump administration. The staffers take issue with a planned speech by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to be broadcast from VOA headquarters. The event, to be attended by a live audience, “is a specific danger to public health and safety” in the middle of a pandemic. Finally, the whistleblowers say the event is “ a gross misuse of government resources,” costing at least $4,000 in taxpayer funds to date and using 18 employees who would otherwise be producing VOA content.
Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller has announced his appointees to the panel set to rename confederate military bases and plan the removal of confederate symbols/monuments. Most controversially, Miller named White House liaison Joshua Whitehouse, who oversaw the purge of the Defense Policy Board and the Defense Business Board last month. The other three Miller-appointees are former acting Army general counsel Earl Matthews, acting assistant secretary of Defense Ann Johnston, and White House official Sean McLean. The remaining four members will be appointed by the Senate and House Armed Services Committees.
  • The 10 Army posts named in honor of Confederate generals are Camp Beauregard and Fort Polk in Louisiana, Fort Benning and Fort Gordon in Georgia, Fort Bragg in North Carolina, Fort A.P. Hill, Fort Lee and Fort Pickett in Virginia, Fort Rucker in Alabama, and Fort Hood in Texas.


The Trump Inaugural Committee, a nonprofit, improperly paid a $49,000 hotel bill that should have been picked up by Trump’s for-profit business. D.C. Attorney General Karl Racine revealed the allegation in an existing lawsuit against the committee, which already accuses Trump’s hotel of illegally pocketing about $1 million of donors’ money. “The Trump Organization was liable for the invoiced charges...The [Committee’s] payment of the invoice was unfair, unreasonable and unjustified and ultimately conferred improper private benefit to the Trump Organization.”
The Professional Golfer’s Association voted last night to move the 2022 PGA Championship from Trump’s Bedminster course. Jim Richerson, PGA of America president, said in a statement that “it has become clear that conducting” the championship at Trump’s property would “be detrimental to the PGA of America brand” and put the organization's ability to function "at risk."
Amid speculation that Trump may spend inauguration day at his Scottish golf course, Scotland First Minister Nicola Sturgeon warned him that even presidents can’t break the country’s pandemic restrictions. “We are not allowing people to come into Scotland now without an essential purpose, which would apply to him, just as it applies to everybody else. Coming to play golf is not what I would consider an essential purpose,” she said.
Trump is on a Presidential Medal of Freedom spree, giving out the award to sports figures and Republican allies. Last Monday, Trump awarded the medal to Rep. Devin Nunes for his work undermining the FBI’s investigation of Russia’s election interference. “Devin Nunes’ courageous actions helped thwart a plot to take down a sitting United States president,” the White House press release states. Likewise, Trump gave the medal to Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) for his “effort to confront the impeachment witch hunt” and “exposing the fraudulent origins of the Russia collusion lie.”
  • The day after Trump supporters rampaged through the Capitol, Trump awarded the medal to retired professional golfers Annika Sorenstam and Gary Player. The president planned on giving New England Patriots coach Bill Belichick the medal on Thursday, but he declined the offer, saying that “the tragic events of last week occurred and the decision has been made not to move forward with the award.”


Dominion Voting Systems filed suit against pro-Trump lawyer Sidney Powell for defamation. Powell falsely claimed that Dominion had rigged the election, that Dominion was created in Venezuela to rig elections for Hugo Chávez, and that Dominion bribed Georgia officials for a no-bid contract,” the lawsuit states. Citing millions spent on security for employees, damage control to its reputation, and future losses, Dominion requests damages of more than $1.3 billion.
  • Dominion's lawyer told reporters last week the lawsuit against Powell “is just the first in a series of legal steps.” Ari Cohn, a free speech and defamation lawyer, told WaPo: “If I had to guess I would say that [Poulos] wants a very public vindication with a ruling establishing that Sidney Powell defamed them and that her statements were baseless...That's not something you generally get in a settlement agreement.”
  • Just last week, Trump again said at a rally that Dominion machines allowed “fraudulent ballots” to be counted during the 2020 election (clip).
The Supreme Court declined to fast track eight Trump-related cases related to the 2020 election, ensuring they won’t be taken up before Biden’s inauguration. The cases include one brought by attorney Lin Wood against Georgia’s Secretary of State, the so-called “Kraken” cases, and three brought by Trump’s campaign. It is possible the lawsuits will be declared moot after Biden is sworn in.
The Supreme Court has agreed to hear two cases alleging that the Treasury Dept. incorrectly distributed Coronavirus aid meant for tribal governments. The Lower 48 Tribes argue that Alaska Native Corporations (ANCs) are not eligible for CARES Act funding, while the Trump administration wants to divvy up the money between tribes and ANCs.


A federal judge blocked the Trump administration’s final attempt to restrict U.S. asylum laws. District Judge James Donato (Obama appointee) ruled in favor of advocacy groups who argued that acting Homeland Security secretary Chad Wolf lacked authority to impose the new rules, which would have resulted in the denial of most asylum applications.
“The government has recycled exactly the same legal and factual claims made in the prior cases, as if they had not been soundly rejected in well-reasoned opinions by several courts,” Donato wrote. “This is a troubling litigation strategy. In effect, the government keeps crashing the same car into a gate, hoping that someday it might break through.”
On Monday, acting Homeland Security secretary Chad Wolf submitted his resignation, citing the recent court ruling that he is not a valid appointee to the position. His resignation letter does not cite the Capitol riots or Trump’s language inciting the insurrection. FEMA Administrator Pete Gaynor will be the new acting secretary.
"Unfortunately, this action is warranted by recent events, including the ongoing and meritless court rulings regarding the validity of my authority as Acting Secretary. These events and concerns increasingly serve to divert attention and resources away from the important work of the Department in this critical time of a transition of power," Wolf added.
A new Immigration and Customs Enforcement policy will make it harder for immigrant minors to obtain asylum in the U.S. The change was made at the end of last month by then-acting agency leader Tony Pham, who served in the position for less than five months.
Beginning Dec. 29, ICE officers were told that they must review whether an immigrant child is still “unaccompanied” each time they encounter the minor… The memo indicates that the evaluation by ICE officers can come at any time, including when an officer is reviewing immigration court records of a child, and if it’s determined that an immigrant is no longer unaccompanied, they will move to change their status.
Such a change could lead to making some children ineligible to have their asylum claims initially heard and processed… “If implemented aggressively, this policy could significantly decrease the number of children who ultimately receive asylum in the United States,” said Sarah Pierce, an analyst at the Migration Policy Institute. “They are really putting the onus on ICE officers to do everything they can as frequently as they can to remove these designations.”
The Trump administration is still awarding border wall contracts, even in areas where private land has not yet been acquired. The move will make it more difficult for Biden to stop construction of the border wall.
Attempts to halt construction completely, as Biden promised, will prove difficult, particularly if contracts continue to be struck -- a challenge [acting Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Mark] Morgan acknowledged Tuesday. "They could terminate those contracts if they want to, but that's going to be a very lengthy, messy process," Morgan said.
"We're going to have to go into settlement agreements with each individual contractor," Morgan added, noting, that payments will have to be made for what they've already done, as well as for materials produced. He estimated the process could cost billions.
Trump is set to visit Alamo, Texas, today to celebrate the completion of more than 400 miles of the border wall. You can watch the event on YouTube at 3:00 pm eastern.


Stories that didn’t fit in the above categories...
The Trump administration auctioned off leases to drill oil in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge last week. Only two private companies bid, each winning large tracts of land. Knik Arm Services, from Alaska, paid $1.6 million for a 50,000-acre tract along the Arctic Ocean. A subsidiary of Australian company 88 Energy paid $800,000 to win the smallest tract.
One of the Health and Human Services Department’s final acts under Trump was finalizing the removal of Obama-era regulations barring discrimination among HHS grantees. The change will allow recipients of federal grant money - like adoption and foster agencies - to discriminate against LGBTQ people and those of a different religion.
Human Rights Campaign: “Statistics suggest that an estimated two million LGBTQ adults in the U.S. are interested in adoption… Further, research consistently shows that LGBTQ youth are overrepresented in the foster care system, as many have been rejected by their families of origin because of their LGBTQ status, and are especially vulnerable to discrimination and mistreatment while in foster care. This regulation would only exacerbate these challenges faced by LGBTQ young people.
submitted by rusticgorilla to Keep_Track [link] [comments]

How I turned Altınordu, the Bilbao of Turkey, into the best team in the country.

How I turned Altınordu, the Bilbao of Turkey, into the best team in the country.
My friends in the real world have no real interest in my FM achievements, so I'm here to tell you all about my best save to date. Buckle in.
In seven seasons I took Altınordu, a team lounging in the second division of Turkish Football to the champions of the country, breaking the successive two team domination between Fenerbahce and Galatasaray for a decade. The catch? Much like Athletic Bilbao, Altınordu are only allowed to sign home-grown players. So... here's my story.
It all started when I came across this article in The Guardian."Game changer: how Altinordu aim to dominate Turkish football with homegrown players". They'd been credited for producing top players such as Cenzig Under, and I was in-between saves and was considering a Youth Development challenge. Altınordu seemed perfect, a club with a vision of developing superstars, and in a league I knew nothing about and with seemingly both hands tied behind their back in only being able to sign Turkish nationals.
At first, it was humble beginnings. I found my self predicted for a mid-table finish in the Turkish 1.League, with an average squad and little transfer budget for wheeling & dealing. My initial transfer strategy was to buy players I knew I could sell on for profit, which was also part of my club vision.
Through some some miracle, and with the help of star striker Kemal Ruzgar & amazing youth prospect Ravil Tagir holding down the back (seriously, this guy was 16 and was the first name on my team sheet. He is an absolute must sign if you can get him) we managed to scrape ourselves into 2nd place, and landed promotion to the Turkish Super League, losing out closely to who would soon become our bitter rivals Adana D.S.
Promotion from the Turkish 1. League 2019/2020
Sadly, after taking stock of my squad and the money I had available to me (not much), I soon realised that survival in the Turkish Super League was going to be almost impossible. I decided to cash in on some young prospects that had come through our youth intake (selling them to the PSG of Turkey, Galatasaray) in order to try and buy some more experienced players that could come straight into the first team and help us with our battle for survival. Notable signings include the, at the time, eye-watering signing of Muhammed Sengezer for 925k, the second most reliable man between the stick I have ever witnessed in a game of FM.
However, as the season continued I realised we had one issue. Kemal Ruzgar, my star number 10 from last season just wasn't cut out for Super League Football. A real Cameron Jerome type. My chronic lack of goals (30 from 34 games) left us 3 points adrift of safety and relegated back to Turkey's 1. League obscurity. The only silver lining was bitter rivals Adana D.S. also took the plunge with us. We were blood brothers. Special shoutout to Bld.Erzurumspor who went from playoff promotion the season before to third place and qualifying for the Euro Cup II after somehow only conceding 28 goals.
Relegation from the Turkish Super League 2020/2021
To add salt to the wound, the relegation also kickstarted a mass exodus of talent from the club. My beloved Ravil Tagir, a son to me now after playing almost every game for the past two seasons. Gone*. Muhammed Sengezer, signed just the season before. Gone. All of my best players were taken from me. But Turkey's Super League prize money is quite an odd one, with teams being awarded just over 300k for a win, and around 150k for a draw. This had meant, after the max exodus of players and my 7 wins & 11 draws I had amassed quite the "war chest" of 4 million to spend. Big money for a team like me. So I went to work rebuilding the squad, a phoenix from the ashes.
*Ravil Tagir's selling has however funded most of my seasons, as he is sold about every two seasons to a bigger club and I just get that sweet sweet percentage of sale money.
The exodus & rebirth of Altınordu 2021/2022
In came Nurullah Aslan, the most reliable man between the sticks I've seen in FM (that's right Sengezer you traitor), the double Burak billing of Yesilay (striker and now a club Icon) and Kapacak, the Dani Alves of Turkey at RWB. Most importantly came Eslem Ozturk, possibly the greatest signing of them all. He can dribble, shoot, pass, tackle. He is a machine in the middle of the park. Little did he know that four years later he would be lifting the Turkish Super League as captain of Altınordu after 164 appearances and increasing his value by tenfold. Truly the most remarkable player I've ever had in my FM playing history. I want to name my children after him.
All of these signings are still with me today, it was a real golden season for my scouts.
With the bolstering of these signings, and the collective experience of the squad, we dominated the Turkish 1.League with Burak Yesilay scoring an impressive 20 goals in 26 starts. Our victory made even sweeter with Adana D.S not making it past the play-offs.
Winning the Turkish 1. League 2021/2022
We were back baby, and this time we knew what we were doing. Without losing any of our talent whist improving our squad; perfecting our tactics; and Burak Yesilay proving he could score goals in the Turkish Super League, we safely landed a respectable a top half finish of 8th place. Our wage budget was still the lowest in the league by a mile, and with 12 wins and 9 draws, we were again beginning to build our financial strength.
Top Half Decency 2022/2023
The next season was a bitter sweet one. After funneling most of my budget into developing my Youth Recruitment and Development (I quickly learned that any half decent Turkish player isn't gonna sign for me), I had finally developed what I would call a once in a lifetime player. His name: Hasan Tatli. A Philip Lahm type, I knew I had a special one on my hands. He had quickly taken over as my first choice RBat just 17, but in January of that season I lost him for a record breaking 7.5 Million to Manchester City on deadline day. Since then, he's developed into pretty much the most promising right-back in the world. A testament to what we had built, I wish him well but would have loved to kept him for another year, especially as he's still only made one start for City in four years. I'm expecting a BIG cheque in the post when City do eventually sell him though.

Turkish Philip Lahm 2022/2023
Turkish Philip Lahm 2027/2028

So close to Europe 2023/2024
I ended up finishing 6th place, just outside of continental football and I knew I was almost ready to challenge for the league. Pumping more money into Youth Development from the Hasan Tatli funds, I spent smart, picking up kids with great potential from smaller teams, promising them a clear route into first team football. Most notable of those was 18 year old Orhan Akgun who I picked up from Bayern for a tiny 1.2 million. A fantastic advanced forward, he quickly took over as leading man and would later go on to become my recording breaking sale at his release clause of 17.25 million.
With these signings and a move from a 4-2-3-1 Wide Gengenpress (I know), to a 4-3-3 Tika-Taka saw me finally break into Europe, finishing 3rd in the league behind the big boys of Galatasaray & Fenerbahce. I scored a whopping 63 goals which was only outshined by Fenerbahce's 82 thanks to Amine Gouiri.
Also Besiktas, managed by Zlatan Ibrahimovic, were relegated and are in financial ruin. You really love to see it.
Third place in The Turkish Super League 2024/2025
At this point in the save I should also mention I had taken over as Turkey's manager ahead of the World Cup of 2026. This was a great opportunity to keep tabs on the youth prospects of the country and also give some much needed international experience to some of my players.
In my head this was the season we would clinch it but we began to falter for various reasons. The media didn't think I couldn't handle the pressure of the Turkey job alongside my club responsibilities. For the first time since my second season at the club, my transfer policy had also been more miss than hit. Most of my signings failed to have an immediate impact, and my record breaking marquee signing of 6 million for Mezzala Omer Beyaz proved to be a bit of a flop. Most importantly, we were dealing with European football for the first time, and managed to get all the way into the Semi-Finals of the Euro Cup II at the first time of asking before being knocked out rather unfairly by compatriots Trabzonspor. We played 57 competitive games that season across three competitions, and we ended the season on a whimper, our players fatigued and injured, picking up just 2 points from our last five games and finishing 4th.
Disappointing in the Turkish Super League 2025/2026
After leading Turkey to a World Cup Semi-Final loss to Spain ( I still cannot believe I lost this match), I resigned with my head held high taking Turkey to their highest World Cup position since 2002 at third place. It was time to turn all my attention to Altınordu.
Turkey's 2026 World Cup Semi-Final exit at the hands of D.Martinez
Immediately I spotted the one weakness in my squad. A real solid DM Deep-Lying Playmaker. A Pirlo, to pull the strings. I had two choices, a young Turkish whippersnapper coming through the ranks at rival Antalyaspor, or Celil Yuksel a 28 year old, fairly obscure player languishing in recently relegated Buraspor's side. After a really bad amount of real life time umming and ahhing over who to sign, I decided to bite the bullet and "Moneyball it." Deep diving into their stats, I splashed the cash on Celil in a record breaking 8.5 Million roll of the dice. The press were shocked, the board baffled and the fans terrified. I'd lost the plot. But nobody was better at pass completion or key passes in the number of games he had played, and I was sure he was the man. My man. And by god I was right.
I forgot to get a screen-cap, but he lead the charts on key passes in the league, with a whopping 70 key passes by the end of the season, and a pass completion accuracy of 91%. He made it into the team of the season, he was our player and signing of the season and finished off with 3 goals, 4 assists and an average rating in the league of 7.29. He proved all the doubters wrong, and I couldn't be more proud.
Celil Yuksel - the moneyball gamble 2026/2027
I strengthened our squad depth too for squad rotation, knowing we again would be competing on the European front. This combined with some big youth prospects finally emerging as first team players (notably a 18 year old Ilhan Camak, a skillful winger who ended as our top scorer) meant we had a deep and talented group of players. Entering at the Second Playoff Round of the Euro Cup, we saw off Wolves to get into the group stages, and carried on strong in the league. By January we were top of the table, unbeaten in the league and qualifying top of our group in the Euro Cup II.
All of this success had drawn quite the attraction to my squad. At one point I think most of my players were wanted by various clubs from all over the world. The vultures circled and I lost my star Orhan Akgun to China via his release clause. I also cashed in on flop signing from the season before Omer Beyaz for a combined 28 million.
Transfer Dealings 2026/2027
First Half Of 2026/2017 Season - Unbeaten In The League
Losing Orhan Akgun was a blow so I quickly tried to fill in the squad with more talent, perhaps spending a bit too much on 17 year old Ergun Alkan (who so far has not got over a 6.2 when I play him). And with him leaving our form quickly deteriorated. Goals were now hard to come by and we somehow were embarrassed by an awful team at the bottom of the table to lose our unbeaten streak. We were then knocked out of Euro Cup II by Wolfsburg after a 93rd minute penalty. The wheels were coming off my perfect season.
With Galatasaray breathing down our neck it was getting down to the wire, but the season eventually turned around with an impressive 6-1destruction of them to basically bring it home to Altınordu for the first time in their history. I did lose the Turkish Cup to them, but honestly, I couldn't care less! We were the Champions of Turkey.
So there it is, the story of how I took a team built entirely of Turkish players to the top of the Turkish domestic ladder in seven seasons. Now, the Champions League!
Final League Table 2026/2027 (haha Besiktas again)
![img](lk25qw5rpwv51 "Second Half Of The Season Form 2026/2027 ")
The title winning squad of 2026/2027
Club Finances at the end of 2026/2027
Our all time best eleven at the end of 2026/2017
You can never please some people...
submitted by the_reddit_minstrel to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]

Turning Baby Wipes into DIY Disinfecting Wipes -- And Other Ingredients of Baby Wet Wipes

Turning Baby Wipes into DIY Disinfecting Wipes -- And Other Ingredients of Baby Wet Wipes
1-Introduction of baby wipes
1-1What are baby wipes? Baby wipes are one of many kinds of wet wipes. A wet wipe, generally known as a wet towel or a moist towelette, sanitizing wipe, disinfecting wipe, or an antibacterial wipe.
Traditional baby wipes formulas generally contain alcohol and flavors. Alcohol is an effective ingredient to disinfect the skin. On the one hand, the flavors can mask the odor of the formula raw materials, and on the other hand, they can also provide various fragrance effects for the product. This formula is widely used for a long time. However, studies have found that because the permeability of newborn skin is higher than that of adults, the barrier function of infant skin has not been fully developed. It is extremely allergic and weak in resistance. It is very different from the nature of adult skin: First, the skin of infants has high water content, the pH value is high (the skin does not retain moisture); secondly, it sweats more per unit area; furthermore, babies have low sebum to dry skin. Therefore, in addition to being non-toxic to the skin and eyes, baby wipes should also pay special attention to care and safety. Baby wipes have the characteristics and features of excellent protection, high safety, and low irritation.
And because of the reason of urine and feces, the baby's buttocks are cleaned very often, and alcohol solvents can easily penetrate into the skin. Alcohol and substances have potential harm to the skin. Accumulative use will eventually cause the skin to lose its elasticity, roughness, dryness, and other irritation. Therefore, with the continuous improvement of people's level of awareness, the formula of baby wipes has also improved, using distilled water, purified water, and adding a certain amount of skincare agents, gradually becoming free of alcohol, fragrance, rich in various nutrients, and non-irritating. The development of sexual bactericidal ingredients. In this way, the baby's natural skin will remain moisturized and healthy!
1-2 when were baby wipes invented? who invented baby wipes? There are two sayings as below: The first saying about baby wipes’ history
1-2-1 In 1944 invented by Procter & Gamble In 1944, Procter & Gamble (Procter & Gamble) first introduced "baby wipes".
1-2-2 1945 initially industrialized by Scott Paper As said by Scott Paper, 1945, Original Rando Webber (the first prototype of baby wipes production machine) was made (Circa 1945-1946). 1946 Scott Paper Company’s second prototype (today’s air-laid machine) built to use as a picker lap of shoddy or reclaimed tire cord to produce a random fiber web.
Till that time, the world’s first machine designed specifically for the infant formed fabrics industry— on display at the Smithsonian Institute.
1947 Consolidate Machine Tool ships the first commercial lap-fed 40-inch Rando Webber. (
1-2-3 Challenged by James River's After the mid-1980s After the mid-1980s, James River's revolutionary baby wipes structure appeared! Embossed Kroyer air-laid dry tissues with ethylene-vinyl acetate spray bonding. This product combines many characteristics of Scott products, but the product has better uniformity, higher bulkiness, and lower cost. For several years, this product has shared the baby wipes market with Rando products.
1-2-4 Breaking the monopoly by Kimberly Clark at the beginning of the 1990s In the early 1990s, Kimberly Clark Company used CoformTM technology (a technology more similar to hydro-jetted nonwoven fabrics, rather than air-laid pulp, or dry papermaking) in its baby wipes. When the curious baby wipes produced by the Coform method entered the market, the curious baby wipes that were as smooth as silk gradually replaced the Rando Webber method baby wipes that were once the market leader and were frequently copied. The Coform method can produce high-quality baby wipes with good strength and softness, moderate bulkiness, but high cost.
The substrate using spunlace technology has a three-dimensional and three-dimensional entangled structure in its fibers, which has more water absorption space than other technologies. Moreover, the base material is formed by fiber entanglement without the need to add chemical adhesives. Therefore, the base material has good flexibility and safety. Moreover, the special product structure and manufacturing process of the spunlace substrate gives the product a hollow structure, but it does not lose the fiber. When the fiber contacts the surface of the wiped object, the friction area increases, which brings comfort and efficiency clean. Due to the reduction in production costs and the increase in the variety of raw materials used, the application of hydro-jet nonwovens in baby wipes has become increasingly widespread. Procter & Gamble has used spunlace nonwovens in its baby wipes in Europe. Thanks to the joint efforts of Procter & Gamble and Kimberly Clark, many high-quality baby wipes use spunlace non-woven fabrics as the base material.
1-1 The second saying about baby wipes’ history 1-2-1 invented by Nice-Pak company The origin of baby wipes most likely came in the mid-1950s as more people were traveling and needed a way to clean up on the go. One of the first companies to produce these was a company called Nice-Pak. They made napkin sized paper cloth saturated with a scented skin cleanser. Rockline Industries of Sheboygan, Wisconsin (which has a large part of the private label wipe market in several segments) went on to be the first to innovate the first baby wipe refill pack and pop-up packs which have become common in the marketplace.
1-2-2 The first baby wipes marketed by Kimberly-Clark & Procter & Gamble
The first wet-wipe products specifically marketed as baby wipes, such as Kimberly-Clark's Huggies wipes and Procter & Gamble's Pampers wipes, appeared on the market in 1990. As the technology to produce wipes matured and became more affordable, smaller brands began to appear. By the 1990s, most superstores like Kmart and Wal-Mart had their own private label brand of wipes made by other manufacturers. After this period there was a boom in the industry and many local brands started manufacturing because of low entry barriers.
2- Material, ingredients of baby wipes 2-1 What are baby wipes made of? What are the ingredients in baby wipes? Baby wipes are made of spunlace nonwoven fabric sheets from the original pulp, cotton fabric, bamboo fabric, viscose fiber, polyester, etc.
Wet wipes fabric cloth designs: Plain, Mesh, Cartoon Prints, Dotted Embossed, EF, Rhombus Diamond.
Spunlace nonwoven fabric sheets pre-moistened by these ingredients: RO pure water /EDI purified water, Aloe Vera, vitamin E, herbal/botanical disinfectant agent emollient ingredients, glycerin, preservative. Another custom formula NOT containing parabens, sulfates, phthalates, synthetic dyes and fragrances, chlorine, formaldehyde, alcohol, SLS, SLES, MEA, DEA, and TEA. Baby wipes features vary depending on formulation and functions. Antibacterial wipes, weak acid pH (close too baby skin’s pH value), stronger decontamination ability, formaldehyde ability, hygienic, hydrophilic, vegan suitable, dermatologically tested to prevent contact dermatitis for sensitive skin, skin moisturizing, kill viruses & germs (candida Albicans, staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, etc.), antimicrobial, hypoallergenic, disinfectant, wipes rash-free, food-grade, no phenoxyethanol, formaldehyde-free, no stimulation.
Lint-free high quality spunlace nonwoven fabric functions are eco-friendly biodegradable, breathable, soft, strong, flushable (high percentage of viscose fiber), wipes rash-free, sensitive skin suitable, bleach-free, no fluorescent, can clean dirt and grime.
2-2 Are baby wipes antibacterial? Yes. The disinfectant agents in baby wipes are from botanical extract (natural baby wipes) or compound double chain quaternary ammonium salt. So, baby wipes are also antibacterial, but the function is not the same strength as alcohol sanitizing wipes.
How to dispose of baby wipes? Use baby wipes to clean your baby, you can also use the same wipe to pick up your babies’ spill or grease. Then throw it into the nearest trash bin. Clean any surface in the house or bathroom and to dispose of baby wipes, throw it in the trash bin. Whenever you use baby wipes, always use the trash bin to dispose of your baby wipes.
Are flushable wipes really flushable? What are the best flushable wipes? Can you flush Huggies baby wipes? Huggies Baby Wipes should not be flushed, as it only delivers softness and durability but is not designed to be flushed in the toilet.
However, the best flushable wipes brand like Cottonelle Flushable Wipes, Equate Flushable Wipes, Charmin Flushable Wipes, Kirkland Flushable Wipes are specifically engineered to flush and break down immediately after flushing.
How to dissolve baby wipes in the toilet / why can't you flush baby wipes / why can't you flush baby wipes / what baby wipes are flushable? How to unclog a toilet clogged with baby wipes?
It is best to dispose of baby wipes in the trash bin. Still, in any event, we use wet wipes often to clean up after fecal discharge. Choose an alternative baby wipes like flushable baby wipes. But suppose you have been flushing your non-biodegradable baby wipes in the toilet and causes toilet blockage or toilet clogged. In that case, use sulfuric acid cleaners to dissolve baby wipes in the pipeline or septic tank. Wear protective gloves and goggles while using the solution, and work in a well-ventilated area to avoid strong chemical fumes. Never mix beach-cleaners or any other chemical to sulfuric acid to prevent a dangerous chemical reaction.
How to use baby wipes properly to work best for your babies?
There are three kinds of baby wipes: general cleaning, mouth, and hands cleaning, bottom cleaning. General cleaning: it can be applied on baby skin, any surface, or toys that babies often touch and put in their mouths. Especially for your pets’ paws if families don’t isolate them with babies.
Mouth and hands cleaning: Every time when babies finish their meal, drink milk, sleep, parents should clean the babies’ lips and faces. Remember after cleaning, it’d better apply some moisture cream for the prevention of drying their skin. Bottom cleaning: the diaper area is the most sensitive skin on babies. It needs special care every time after changing the diaper.
Why many people use baby wipes? •Baby wipes use as multi-purpose wipes, toy cleaner instead of bleaching toys, it picks-up mess, spills, and clean surface dust. The dust sticks to the wipe and leaves a polished, fresh look. •Hygiene in wet wipes, when a relaxing wash is not an option, baby wipes can quickly freshen up uneasy dirt feeling. It is most useful when traveling or if you are in public use places. •Convenience. It is the easiest and the quickest way to keep yourself and your family healthy. It makes cleaning more comfortable and safer.
What can baby wipes clean? Baby disinfectant wipes for cleaning toys and stuffed animals. Baby disinfectant wipes for cleaning baby pacifier or teether. Baby disinfectant wipes for cleaning baby cradle, baby stroller, baby jumper, baby car seat, higher chair, playpen, etc. Any surface your baby touches. Baby disinfectant wipes for wound cleaning. Baby disinfectant wipes to freshen you during travel. Baby disinfectant wipes for removing makeup. Baby disinfectant wipes for cleaning remote controls and other electronic gadgets. Baby disinfectant wipes for cleaning mobile phones. Baby disinfectant wipes for cleaning bag and purses. Baby disinfectant wipes for removing dust from indoor plants. Baby disinfectant wipes for removing makeup or lipstick stains. Baby wipes can remove excess oil or lotion. Baby wipes can flatten hair fly-away. Baby disinfecting wipes can clean grocery products before putting them inside your fridge or keep them in the pantry.
How many babies wipes per day? We can calculate the baby wipes per day based on diaper usage. 1 wipe for pee change, and 2 to 4 wipes after each poop change. The table below will show daily diaper consumption and the corresponding baby wipes usage.
How long do baby wipes last unopened? Usually, the wipes packages have seals for leak-prevention and moisture maintenance. Before the unveiling, the shelf life can last for 2 to 3 years based on some brands but most baby wipes brands do not have an expiration date. Wet wipes do not truly expire but instead, the moisture lessens thus leads to losing its effectiveness or mold development in some cases.
After the package opening, if the packages are sealed well or buckled up, it can last for a few months. Since there is no strong preservative in baby wipes, the pre-moistened wipes with the main ingredient of purified water can’t be kept for a long time to prevent new bacterial generation.
How long is baby wipes good for? Baby wipes are good until it keeps its moisture, it is important to keep the lid or opening close after each use to seal in moisture. If the moisture in baby wipes isn’t be dried away, the ingredients in the wipes can still be effective for cleaning.
Baby wipes: how to make sanitizing wipes? Many people can’t buy enough sanitizing wipes or disinfectant wipes since it is in great demand, the shelves often stay empty.
So many people searched how to make baby wipes into sanitizing wipes? Baby wipes are dermatologically tested to maintain alcohol-free ingredients. According to, choose hand sanitizing wipes with at least 60% alcohol. There are two types of alcohol you can use, ethanol alcohol, which is alcohol that we drink, and isopropyl alcohol. To turn your baby wipes into DIY antibacterial wipes, sanitizing wipes, or homemade sanitizing wipes to kill viruses & germs, you can put 60% or 70% alcohol into the package. Add a few drops of essential oils to make it gentle on your hands. The average alcohol mixture depends on the package size (portable Pocket packets/tubs/Bottle/Canister). See below the list of ingredients and the right measurement:
*1 cup of alcohol *1 pack of baby wipes (alternative to baby wipes: spunlace nonwoven fabric dry wipes, thick paper towel, or dried out wipes) *10 drops of essential oil (lavender, aloe vera, tea tree oil, chamomile, etc.) *4 tablespoon Aloe vera gel (optional for extra moisturizing ingredient)
It is best to transfer your DIY sanitizing wipes into a sealed HDPE canister to maintain moisture. Research source:
Baby wipes: how to make disinfectant wipes? Baby wipes may be used as DIY disinfecting wipes or homemade disinfectant wipes by adding bleach, and water into the package. Let it sit for 10 to 15 mins so the wipes can absorb all the ingredients before use. Disinfectant wipes are more effective if you apply them to the surface and let it dry for 3 to 5 mins.
If you prefer to make your baby wipes to DIY Clorox disinfecting wipes, or homemade Clorox household wipes here are the ingredients and exact measurement:
*2 cups of water *2 ½ tablespoon of Clorox bleach *1 pack of baby wipes (alternative to baby wipes: spunlace nonwoven fabric dry wipes, thick paper towel, or dried out wipes)
DIY disinfecting wipes should be kept out of children’s reach to avoid inhaling and ingesting. Research source:
As a manufacturer of wet wipes, we suggest you should take care and take extra precautionary measures to turn baby wipes into antibacterial hand wipes. As you may not have accurate control on adding correct measurements on ingredients to assure the effectiveness of the wipes. In the All Clean Natural China production line, we have continuous research and analysis the perfectly measure the exact percentage and weight for each ingredient. Our products have been tested in the labs before each batch is moved into our supply building.
If you will use baby wipes as DIY antibacterial wipes, the major dilemma is: most baby wipes are pre-moistened, the spunlace non-woven fabric carries usually two times or more weight of liquid (for example our liquid weight in baby wipes is three times the dry wipes weight). If you add extra liquid into the wipes, the non-woven fabric will soak with too much liquid. You can either remove excess liquid from the container or add dry wipes or paper towels to sip excess liquid. After cleaning on surfaces or hands, leave the surface area longer to dry out to kill germs and bacteria.
How to make DIY Lysol wipes? DIY Lysol wipes have the same essential ingredients as the DIY disinfecting wipes, DIY Clorox wipes, or DIY Lysol wipes. For best results, use a dry paper towel or dry wipes.
3- Ingredients to prevent in baby wipes
3-1 Formaldehyde An anti-microbial chemical and potential health hazard. Types nitrosamines when combined with Ethanolamine, additionally referred to as MEA/DEA/TEA. Banned in the EU. Discovered in: Nail products, hair dye & straighteners, phony eyelash adhesives, shampoos. Banned in the EU. Exactly how to spot it: Formaldehyde, Quaternium-15, DMDM Hydantoin, Diazolidinyl Urea and also Imidazolidinyl Urea, DEA, MEA, TEA
3-2 Scent A catchall name a large range of as many as 4000 chemicals connected with allergic reactions, dermatitis, and also respiratory system problems. Professional observations show fragrance can impact the central nerve system, triggering behavioral modifications, irritation, depression as well as attention deficit disorder, Banned in the EU. Found in: Toenail products, hair color & straighteners, fake eyelash adhesives, shampoos. How to identify it: Fragrance, Parfum.
3-3 Mineral oil Originated from crude oil, coats the skin obstructing the pores, and also disrupts the skin's capability to remove contaminants. Contributes to acne and various other conditions. Research from UCLA web links high levels of exposure to mortality, lung cancer, and melanoma.
Discovered in: Child oil & cream, baby diaper breakout lotions, lipstick. Exactly how to find it: Mineral Oil, Mineral Jelly, Petrolatum, Oil Wax, Petroleum Jelly.
3-4 Parabens A catchall name for a wide range of preservatives and also anti-bacterial representatives. May interfere with hormone degrees, fertility complications in addition to developmental complications of an unborn child or little one. The possible boosted danger for sure cancers cells. Studies have located parabens in bust tumor tissue. Restricted in EU. Discovered in: Personal care products, hair items, cosmetics & skincare. Exactly how to identify it: Search for active ingredients finishing in "- paraben" or "- ester", which can likewise be listed as Benzoic Acid, Scent, Potassium Salt, Methyl, Propyl, Butyl, Ethyl.
3-5 Polyethylene glycol (PEG). An emulsifier and emollient used in many products, typically contaminated with 1,4-dioxane as well as ethylene oxide, both recognized carcinogens. Discovered in: Personal care, skincare, cosmetics, hair care products. Just how to find it: Polyethylene Glycol, PEG, 1,4-dioxane, Polyethylene.
3-6 Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) & Salt Laureth Sulfate (SLES). Cleaning agents, foaming agent,s and surfactant, present serious wellness threats. Can be swiftly absorbed right into the mind, heart, liver, and eyes. Related to cataracts in adults as well as hinders proper eye advancement in kids.
Found in: Frequently used in skincare, cosmetics, and hair products. Just how to spot it: Sodium Lauryl, Laureth Sulfate, SLS, SLES.
3-7 Phenoxyethanol Phenoxyethanol is often used as an alternative to parabens. It is a glycol ether which is aromatic alcohol and a solvent that acts as preservatives that kill bacteria, germs, fungus, or mold that may develop within the formulation during product shelf life. Phenoxyethanol is a chemical compound, which can be naturally derived or synthetically produced. It is not safe for infants for it has been associated with skin eczema and skin irritation. It is not recommended for people with a history of eczema, atopic dermatitis, and inflammatory skin conditions. It can be dangerous and toxic to the kidneys, bladder when ingested. With prolonged use may affect function in the nervous system.
Phenoxyethanol can be included in anhydrous products that don’t have any water, also included in aqueous products that contain water, emulsions, cleansers, shampoo, and conditioner, lipstick, pencil, powder products, and all other skin and cosmetic products.
What is the production procedure for baby wipes?
•Putting the nonwoven raw material spunlace on the machine Raw material such as quality cotton fabric, bamboo fabric or bamboo fiber, original pulp, viscose fiber, and polyester enters the feeding machine to open and lose fibers and remove impurities.
•Folding into the wipe Clean loose fibers are folded into a single fiber in preparation to enter the carding machine.
•Liquid feeding The high-pressure water jet is applied to fiber to form the “web.” The current technology in manufacturing spunlace can generate sufficient fiber dispersion to meet market demands in spunlace cloth.
•Cutting the wipe roll Jumbo spunlace roll is slit or cuts based on client requirement. Wet Wipes length & width is customized.
•Wipe stacking The wet wipes are overlapped and interleaved with one another (40, 50) to accommodate an improved stacking arrangement whereby each wipe can be readily singly separated from the wet wipe stack by the consumer.
•Online Detection Online detection for quality inspection advances the quality of spunlace nonwoven fabric. Accurate testing to entrap contamination with abrupt rejection. It can magnify even the slightest hairline impurity.
•Bagging The automatic packing machine can be adjusted or customized to various package sizes and designs with products brand label and logo.
•Sealing Automatic machine guarantees end seal control and end protection.
•Manual Checking Strict manual checking by engineers and operators following checklist and guidelines. Whole dimension, optical and functional inspection of material samples. Monitor quality control plan of inspected properties and alert engineering staff of significant variations.
•Packing Jumbo rolls are packed in PE film to ensure product quality and prevent contamination. Individually packed wet wipes are secured in boxes and containers, ready for overseas distribution.
Q&A 1. Where can I buy baby wipes online? If you are a starter to have sell baby wipes, we suggest you drop ship our brand products: All Clean Natural China. If you are a regular consumer, you can buy a single pack from our online store. Online stores provide baby wipes coupons like Amazon, Target, All Clean Natural, Re-stock, Certified Green Cleaning, Alibaba, etc.
2. What other areas of application do you use baby disinfecting wipes?
Baby disinfecting wipes use in nursery rooms, on a plane, hospital, office depot, interesting places during travel, home depot, etc.
3. What are your product packing sizes?
We can customize the size for individually wrapped packets (singles) or travel packs
-Small (portable packets, tubs, bottle, canister)
-Single mini size packets
-Large individually wrapped/package
-Extra large
4. What are the available wipe counts? The quantity for each kind is custom. Clients can also choose a specific quantity according to the table below:
Baby wipes Disinfectant wipes Sanitizing wipes Antibacterial wipes
• Bucket /CanisteTube/
Baby Wipes Hand Sanitizing Wipes Baby Disinfecting Wipes Multi-Purpose Wipes Household Disinfecting Wipes
5. How can we guarantee the quality? We offer pre-production samples before mass production. And final quality inspection is guaranteed before shipment. 6. What are the services offered? - Free sampling - White Labeling (OEM) - Contract Manufacturing - Short response time - Small batch wholesale - ODM (Original Design Machining) -Free digital marketing support -Free mascot and sales package design -Dropshipping support in North America
submitted by LifeKeepUp to u/LifeKeepUp [link] [comments]

Week 1 Day 3: You f***ing people!

Part 1 described Kevin and Karen as nightmare neighbours with the payback i was fortunate enough to serve them. I know i described them as a “Kevin and Karen” duo but only mainly mentioned Kevin in Part 1. That was intentional. My interactions with Karen at that point were minor and i wanted to keep the focus on Kevin. However, this entire story is about that one incident where Karen steps up and takes things to another level, and i foolishly take the bait. Someone else in my favorite military sub quoted Mark Twain: “Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience”.
I also mentioned a conversation i had with someone, where the person described Kevin and Karen as people who maybe likes being the big fish in a small pond, and thus picks on people who are visibly different, just like them. This is because Kevin and Karen are both of African ethnicity. This part will come up later and will play a pivotal part in the story.
Advance Warning: please, please, please keep your politics and any divisive personal biases OUT of my story and this sub. I only mentioned ethnicity and gender because the story itself is focused on that. Im a big girl, i can take care of myself, if you’re a shithead racist/homophobe and cant keep your racist comments to yourself, feel free to shoot me a PM but stick to that and dont litter this sub with your trash. Mods, if this gets out of hand and people start getting rowdy, please include in your options the possibility of deleting my posts. Id rather lose imaginary internet points than be the one that brought a pack of idjits to your doorstep. But please. This is a nice community modded and populated by nice people. Lets keep it that way.
February 1, 2020
Ahhhh. February 2020. Life is good as far as everyone is concerned. Apart from that one time where Kevin tried to call the military cops on me for assaulting a superior (were the same rank, in different chains of command, let alone different branches, and were fighting voluntarily in a sanctioned, supervised match), we had no more complaints filed against us at the HOA office. He had to undergo plastic surgery, but that’s mostly because his pre existing condition of a deviated septum was exacerbated when i TKO’d him by slamming my palm on his nose and breaking it.
The whole world would change in a few weeks, but at this time, Corona was still just another new and exotic thing that doom and gloom tv pundits wouldnt shut up about.
As i mentioned before, i am mixed race: mixture of German/Italian/Scottish/Irish and Hasidic Jew ethnicities on my mum’s side, and a mix of 3 Asian ethnicities: Chinese/Japanese/Korean on my dad’s side with Chinese being the predominant one.
As for visible appearances, im over 5 foot tall, slight build, dark brown hair, and slightly slanted gray coloured eyes. My eyes, lips, and my cheekbones are somewhat Asian, while there’s enough “white” on the rest of my appearance to make someone think twice if im just a really fair skinned Asian, or a white chick squinting and blinded by something.
Why is this important? As a result of my super melting pot heritage, there’s only enough Asian in me that i only look Asian to someone who doesnt know me while im wearing certain outfits, or if i choose to do so. This is a fact pointed out to me that while being a technical minority, i never had to endure the true hardships of what its like to be in a disadvantaged group. I had the safety of benefiting from having the physical appearance derived from a hybrid heritage as a “safe haven” from bigotry.
Until the following happened.
We were at a Chinese cultural centre celebrating Chinese New Year. I went to the event wearing my favorite cheongsam dress. Nothing special about it, you see Chinese women wearing it at formal events all the time, but im in full cultural regalia and had my Asian on. Milena, my partner, couldnt get in while wearing Chinese cultural attire and had to change into a white people outfit despite me giving the Shaolin bouncer, who trained for 30 years in the mountains under a waterfall in the art of “punch-a-hole-in-your-chest-and-rip-your-still-beating-heart-out-making-you-wonder-why-theres-a-sudden-draft-in-your-thoracic-cavity”, the head nod and going: “She’s with me bro. Be cool, ayt?” I jest, i jest.
It was a fun time. Plenty of delicious food and i get to have my fill of real proper and delicious soup dumplings and szchezuan style red snapper. Plenty of little kids going around running to adults and yelling “Kung Hey Fat Choi! (Happy New Year)” and us giving them blessings and the little red money envelopes we brought. We got to see a lion dance. No, there wasnt a single actual lion dancing. Its a bunch of grown up dudes who dance and jump up 5-10 foot tall playforms while wearing and carrying a two person lion costume. Its pretty impressive actually. Go look up lion dance examples on Youtube if you want.
The problem started when we got home.
(Im running out of original ideas for titles)
We were already in our neighbourhood and pretty close to our home. As we were approaching our home, we just barely noticed in time that the road is blocked by a double parked car. Imagine your standard residential street. On both sides of the road are vehicles parked on the street. This normally two lane road is now reduced to a one lane road. On the lane ahead of us was a car that was double parked. The car was off with no lights on either. With it being winter, a snowstorm actively raging + poor street lighting leading to near zero visibility, the roads slick from built up snow, its a miracle i didnt rear end this grayish/silver coloured Fiat. I had already downshifted to the lowest gear, and I had to pump the brakes while my other hand was ready to engage the e-brake, swearing under my breath the whole time.
This is the point where i should have stayed put and just called the neighbourhood towing services while driving around to find alternate routes to get home. But i didnt. My gamble on people being rational ended up being a bust, and you now have this train wreck of a story worthy of a Jerry Springer episode.
I got out of the car and noticed that there was a woman sitting in the driver’s seat. I knocked on her window and politely asked her to move her car so i can pass. She slightly rolls the window down and says: “Just go around me!” I told her this was not possible. My car is a Toyota 4runner, refitted for true off roading, and there’s no way it could squeeze through the gap left by her shitty double parking job without hitting cars on either side. I asked her if she can at least move and give me enough space to squeeze through safely, or better yet, park in one of the open street side parking spots available just a few steps away. In response, she just goes: “i told you, just squeeze through!” and rolls the window back up.
Now, im pissed. I whip out my phone and take a picture of the driver and the license plate. I was intending on calling the towing service and sending a notice to the HOA. This is when i notice that the back of this car doesnt have our neighbourhood stickers. I go up to her window as she was just opening her door to get out.
Bitch: did you just take a fucking picture of me? Did you just fucking take a picture of me?
Me: yeah i did. You dont live here. So youre actually trespassing. And you dont have any expectation of privacy in such an open space. So now youre in the wrong on both counts. Im only going to ask you one last time to move your car, or better yet, get off the subdivision before i call the cops on you for trespassing.
Bitch: (sounds like she was just waiting for me to finish talking) you fucking bitch! Delete👏that👏picture👏now! You fucking monkey!
i was pulling up my camera app to record her public freakout when she swiped at my hands causing my phone to tumble into the snow
Milena has gotten out of the car and was approaching us as soon as our body language changed. She came close just in time to hear this “lady” call me a “fucking monkey.”
Milena: what the fuck did you just call my wife? Dont tell me you actually did cus thats a fucking hate crime!
Bitch: you heard me. I called her a fucking monkey! Fucking monkey! Fucking monkey! Fucking monkey! You fucking people go back to Asia and do your pussy eating there! And take your fucking Corona back with you!
My partner LOSES it. It took me all my strength wearing heels, standing in snow and ice, to restrain her from going after this woman. At the same time, Bitch was also trying to get at Milena so i had to free up one hand to keep her away. Everyone was yelling and screaming at this point. One of our neighbours, Todd, happens to be in his garage. He comes out and investigates what is all the commotion about. Did i mention he’s also of African ethnicity?
As soon as i saw him, i called out:
“Hey! Can you get her (referring to Bitch) off of me?”
Bitch: wait what? Did you just assume he’s my friend because were black? Yo! Hey! Help! Anybody! This fucking (anti asian pejorative word, similar in context to the english words “chink” or “gook”) just called me a n123er!
It was at this point that Todd decided to slap her that caused her to shut up but continue fake crying.
They were both talking, demanding whats going on and wrestling Bitch away from Todd at the same time.
[They were both dressed in nice clothes, so im assuming they were headed for a night out with this mystery racist]
Bitch: this asshole (points at me) called me a n123er and then this other fucking dyke (points at Milena) slapped me while this f123ot traitor (points at Todd) held me down!
Karen: what the fuck? Did you fucking call my daughter a n123er?! We dont fucking do that here you fucking monkey! (Nature vs nurture theorists, here’s a case study for you). Fucking go back to China and go fucking spread your diseases there!
Kevin: (walks up to Milena and with hands up and forward, appears to try to shove her but loses his balance in the snow). If you ever hit my child again, or disrespect anyone in my family, i swear to God, I will kill you!!!
Now is my turn to be held back by Todd this time. I dont remember saying these exact words, im only repeating them verbatim based off how Todd repeated them to me.
Me: you’re fucking trying to have a go at my wife?!? I just fucking kicked your ass last Christmas and now you want seconds?! What, are you fucking insane or just fucking stupid? IM not afraid to die! Ive killed pieces of shit who are still better men than you! For work! How many fucking people do you imagine you’ve killed while driving a desk, hmm? You fucking touch my wife or threaten her again and i will kill you for free!! Then ill rip your dick off and beat your wife to death with it! Fuck it, let me go Todd, ill make her (pointing to Bitch) an orphan right now.
Yeaaahhhhhh. I know. Even I am cringing as i was typing that. I cant believe i said those. Seriously hope that Todd was fucking around with me, but i know i tend to go high order when provoked in just the sweet spot. The words are already said, and once its out in the wind, theres no way for me to make people unhear what i said and stuff the words back in my mouth. 10/10 would NOT recommend doing anything like that. One of the moments im not quite so proud of myself. Its not an excuse, but i only have 2 triggers that i know of: when someone presents themselves as a valid threat to my loved ones, my family, or my troops, either through words or actions, and when i get dehumanized to the point that im not even a person anymore but just another statistic in whatever subset of society that they hate. This messed up family struck Bingo! on both counts. I know its unprofessional and having a temper in the military, let alone as a leader, is a huuuge problem, and i am currently working hard (with good results) to fix that. 😅
While this is happening, Todd’s wife is standing outside their garage and calling the MPs. They tell her they dont deal with “domestic spats” even if its involving military personnel, instead call the civillian cops, and hangs up on her.
Cops come with bells and whistles 30 minutes later. By this time, more people/neighbours had gotten involved and managed to separate both parties. Everyone had calmed down, we were hanging out at Todd’s garage, K&K + crotch goblin went back to their house, and were all just waiting for the cops to come.
Cops split up and go to take both parties’ statements + witness statements. Obviously, this is not gonna be a he said she said scenario. There are plenty of witnesses willing to testify as to what happened and the words said. The problem is that there isnt any witnesses for the beginning of the confrontation. That’s when i remembered that i have a dashcam in the car and i left the car running when i initially got out. I asked for the cops permission for one of them to accompany me. I drove us to my house where i got changed into something warmer, grabbed my laptop, and plugged the dashcam’s SD card in it.
We went back to Todd’s place to play it in front of the other officer and you could clearly see by Bitch’s body language that she was the original belligerent party. Whats more entertaining was that her voice was loud enough to be captured by the camera’s microphone when she yelled the “Go back to Asia you fucking monkey!” line at me. Todd also admitted that he was the one who slapped her but it was more of a “hey wake up!” slap instead of a real one. He demonstrated using me as a dummy, that while holding Bitch around the waist from behind, there’s no way he could have attacked her with a real slap. This was again, supported by the dashcam footage.
The cops left when we told them were not willing to file charges and it would be a waste of tax money for them to pursue a “trivial” domestic disturbance, but i want copies of their write ups and their contact info in case the obvious liars cooks something up.
I immediately regretted that decision the next day i came to work.
Monday. 03 February, 2020. I walk into work and find several messages handed to me by my assistant. In growing urgency, they were all along the lines of: “REPORT TO THE BOSS RIGHT MEOW!”
I had a feeling what this is gonna be about.
I walk up to the boss office, salute, announce myself, seek permission to enter, and stand in front of his desk. Without being told to relax and have a seat and talk to me like an equal, which is customary for personnel at my level, my boss formally informs me that a charge has been filed against me, a trial is most likely going to be held once current investigations are finished, that he has a list of JAG attorneys that can represent me, and that if i have anything to say for myself, now is the time say it.
Quickly but concisely, i laid out the facts as it actually happened to him, even mentioning that i have a copy of the cops’ write up, my dashcam SD card as evidence, and that military police hung up on our neighbour who called them in the first place.
The Boss was nodding throughout this and simply said: “That’s what i thought, im afraid. Unfortunately, id still have to take you off of any leadership positions you’re holding until we clear this up. Take the rest of the week off, but contact this JAG lawyer first before you go and do whatever she tells you to do.”
I did as The Boss told me to. I contacted the JAG lawyer through our secure lines and she simply asked me to write my own version of events and the original SD card from my dashcam and have it couriered to her. I turned over the running of my daycare centre for wild and wanton man whores to my second, and left for home.
I went back to work the next week and i was puzzled as to what happened since i was expecting to perform a hatless dance in front of my peers and subordinates. I never heard anything from the MPs, my boss, or anyone else. When i asked my boss about it the next week, my boss simply told me that it was a “misunderstanding” and they werent actually investigating me.
The following i was not present for but i learned through the grapevine.
-all charges and investigations against me were dropped as soon as they saw what was in the dashcam and in my statement.
-turns out that Kevin is a bit henpecked from what it sounds like as well. Several rumours run that all the complaints filed against me at work, that happened in a personal context/setting, were initiated not by another soldier, but by a civillian closely associated with the soldier. Go connect the dots on that one.
-during this time, anti Asian sentiment was heating up because of Corona virus. There has been several reports of unprovoked attacks on visible (Asian) minorities and the voices of order were having none of it. No sane investigator would prosecute an Asian woman, who it turns out was actually the victim of a hate crime. This is important to mention because for the past several years, the attitude and culture here has been slowly shifting to focus and correct the injustices done to people of African descent. As a result, more and more videos and incidents are emerging of African descent people having public freakouts and getting away with it despite being wrong because they uttered the magic words: “is it because im black?” You make a big and public enough issue centered around being black, and people will back off regardless of whos right or wrong. This is NOT my opinion, but this is the public sentiment. I dont agree with it, as there are still a lot of injustice that needs to be corrected, and you can see the potential for abuse and misuse in ANY example of correction of flawed historical public policy/beliefs but the attitudes of the other side when in the wrong, or the belief that these improvements sweeping the country is an automatic “get out of jail free” card for valid offenses isnt helping either.
-Kevin turns out to have been the star of his own hatless dance party. Once they proved that he was falsely accusing me and Milena of assault and racial attacks, and that him and his kin were the ones throwing racial and homophobic slurs all over the place, he was charged with all the military versions of those offenses + conduct unbecoming and misappropriating public resources (for filing false reports and making false sttements. More on that later). He admitted guilty on all counts in a trial and had to: be suspended from work with no pay for 6 months, pay a fine and hefty pay reduction for 6 months after that, with all records being expunged from his service file on 5 years + 1 day after he has carried out all the punishments.
-it also emerged that Karen was present at his trial and broke down crying and freaking out at his bosses when he was pronounced guilty. She had to be escorted out of the base and driven back home after being dosed with a sedative by a medic.
Karen ended up being the breadwinner for their household for 6 months while Kevin was reduced to earning peanuts. Since her MLM and “fitness lifestyle” influencer job was mainly catering to military spouses, her clientele quickly diminished as soon as word of their misdeeds spread around.
Another result of this Rube Goldberg-esque turn of events was that Kevin it turns out, has been conniving with a local office supplier company and has been taking some pretty creative liberties with his unit’s purse. Policy for public procurement is that everything has to go through a fair and competitive bidding process where service providers and suppliers get a fair shake at hawking their goods and services. With some exceptions, the policies for procurement can be skipped, like say, if theres no other competitor available for that particular product/service, or the need for an item/service is urgent, the bidding process is always followed to the letter.
Being a morale and welfare and procurement officer for his unit, Kevin managed to get himself in a whole another world of trouble by conniving with several suppliers into engaging their services in exchange for some personal “perks”. Kevin’s Unit is hosting a Christmas party and giving away door prizes and holding raffles? He skipped the bidding process and sales/promotions review and went straight to the local electronics store. He goes and buys all the electronic prizes from them, and in exchange gets to walk away with a brand new PS4 Pro and a Home Theatre bluetooth sound bar as a “lucky customer” who won their “random” draw.
Office running low on supplies and may need replacing some office equipment? Kevin goes to a local office supply shop and gives them the business. In exchange, his wife gets to “test” out a brand new high end gaming/office chair and keep the product for “free” after posting a review about it.
He may have turned out to have chosen the better deal, but the fact that he skipped the appropriate procedures and personally benefited from those misdeeds is what got him in real trouble.
Its actually the office supply shop that opened up this can of worms for him. With the wolf of economic disaster created by COVID hungry and at the doorstep, the proprietor of this business phoned his unit and asked if they need any more office supplies or upgrades to their equipment. With Kevin being suspended from work, there was no one to keep a lid on things. His replacement was puzzled and surprised.
“Whaa? Youre not in our system sir. In fact, our system shows that we have always gotten our supplies from X company, the one that won the bid and weve always used. When did you say we ordered from you and for how much?”
I feel pretty comfortable sharing this bit of gossip. Its a pretty open secret by now at our base that some Air Force dude just flushed his career down the toilet and has a pack of investigators and financial detectives waiting till he comes back to work so they can dissect his life and spending, and work it over with a fine toothed comb. And that he just managed to get a slap on the wrist from getting into trouble, and that there’s no way he will simply get another wrist slap from this one.
Right now, all is quiet. There is that one odd time when we saw Kevin disassembling and cleaning what looks like a gun in his backyard. Turns out it was a very realistic looking M4 style air rifle. As a result, both Milena and I have applied for permission from the local representative of the government to carry personal firearms. We dont take well to threats or implications of a threat. Were still awaiting for permission to be granted but believe me when i say we have been upping the intensity of our sparring sessions.
I am hoping it doesnt come down to that, but were ready if it does. In fact, i dont want it to escalate any more. Im sick of it. Personally, i believe it wont come down to that. Ive been in plenty of fights and spent enough time at 2 way ranges. I know what people who trully intend to use a firearm for its lethal purpose look like. They dont go around brandishing a gun and threatening to use it, before actually using it. People who fully intend to use a gun actually go ahead and use it from the get go.
But on the other hand, i wont let intimidation tactics make me cower and unhappy in my own home either. Milena and I love hosting parties. Before COVID shut gatherings down, we just wrapped up a weekend by being the final stop for a small hen party. Everyone had fun in the hot tub and had a safe place to go drink and sleep. Our neighbours have also come to love our summer barbecue shindigs. I can grill a mean steak and my surf and turf platters are just raved about. We both kind of are the unofficial mothers in our respective units. Whenever a new soldier or airman gets posted to our unit, we throw them a welcome party in our home. We continued and brought that tradition to our new home. Right now, im renovating my basement to be a retro style games room with vintage PacMan, PinBall, and other arcade game machines in one corner, a shelf full of board and card games, a full service mini bar, and a computegames room in our library. Were also planning on getting a pre fab shed and repurposing it into an axe throwing shed. We want our home to be a friendly base camp for any weary/homesick soldier, sailor, or airman that we have come to love and treat as our own siblings, or in some cases, children. No amount of intimidation will stop that from happening or take that away from us. Well, COVID probably would if this shite doesnt get any better.
For now, this is the end of the Kevin and Karen saga. Lets hope there isnt any more. Especially since the last time i checked, i was ahead and winning. 😂
Sorry for the late post, i typed Part 1 and Part 2 in one go with the intent of publishing them one after the other. I had to put posting Part 2 on pause because I had to do some fact checking with some people to make sure im not recalling shit improperly.
Welp. Apparently i suck at messing with people. My one and only attempt and i sucked at it. Sorry for the links, its all Rick Astley links. I was trying to call induce a laugh but foiled tremendously because of that stupid ass thumbnail. Im so dumb. Im sorry. I suck. Ill go ahead and send myself to the time out corner.
This is so dumb. Ill just strip the links. Thought it would be funny. Sorry folks. I got Rick Rolled by my own attempts to Rick Roll you guys. 😭
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Pore Strips for Teeth Market Size Analysis by SWOT Analysis, Competitive Landscape 2020 Top Key Players, Global Share, Revenue and Growth Analysis till 2026 | Industry

"Final Report will add the analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on this industry."
This comprehensive study provides a forecast and analysis of the global “Pore Strips for Teeth Market”. The report unfolds rare and distinguished intelligence regarding the market dynamics including drivers, threats, restraints, and opportunities present in the Pore Strips for Teeth industry. The report sheds light on suppliers to end-users, along with several macro-economic indicators. The research propounds crucial insights regarding the growth trajectory of the Pore Strips for Teeth market.
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About Pore Strips for Teeth Market:
Global Pore Strips for Teeth Market: Competitive Analysis
This section of the report identifies various key manufacturers of the market. It helps the reader understand the strategies and collaborations that players are focusing on combat competition in the market. The comprehensive report provides a significant microscopic look at the market. The reader can identify the footprints of the manufacturers by knowing about the global revenue of manufacturers, the global price of manufacturers, and sales by manufacturers during the forecast period of 2015 to 2019.
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Top Manufacturers Covered in The Pore Strips for Teeth Market Report:
On the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share, and growth rate of Pore Strips for Teeth Market types split into:
On the basis on the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, sales volume, market share and growth rate of Pore Strips for Teeth Market applications, includes:
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Detailed TOC of Global Pore Strips for Teeth Market Trends, Status and Forecast 2020-2026
1 Pore Strips for Teeth Market Overview
1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Pore Strips for Teeth
1.2 Segment by Type
1.2.1 Global Sales Growth Rate Comparison by Type (2021-2026)
1.2.2 Type 1
1.2.3 Type 2
1.3 Segment by Application
1.3.1 Sales Comparison by Application: 2020 VS 2026
1.3.2 Application 1
1.3.3 Application 2
1.4 Global Market Size Estimates and Pore Strips for Teeth Market Forecasts
1.4.1 Global Revenue 2015-2026
1.4.2 Global Sales 2015-2026
1.4.3 Pore Strips for Teeth Market Size by Region: 2020 Versus 2026
2 Global Pore Strips for Teeth Market Competition by Manufacturers
2.1 Global Sales Market Share by Manufacturers (2015-2020)
2.2 Global Revenue Share by Manufacturers (2015-2020)
2.3 Global Average Price by Manufacturers (2015-2020)
2.4 Manufacturers Pore Strips for Teeth Manufacturing Sites, Area Served, Product Type
2.5 Market Competitive Situation and Trends
2.5.1 Pore Strips for Teeth Market Concentration Rate
2.5.2 Global Top 5 and Top 10 Players Market Share by Revenue
2.5.3 Pore Strips for Teeth Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3)
2.6 Manufacturers Mergers and Acquisitions, Expansion Plans
2.7 Primary Interviews with Key Pore Strips for Teeth Players (Opinion Leaders)
3 Pore Strips for Teeth Retrospective Market Scenario by Region
3.1 Global Pore Strips for Teeth Retrospective Market Scenario in Sales by Region: 2015-2020
3.2 Global Pore Strips for Teeth Retrospective Market Scenario in Revenue by Region: 2015-2020
3.3 North America Market Facts and Figures by Country
3.3.1 North America Sales by Country
3.3.2 North America Sales by Country
3.4 Europe Pore Strips for Teeth Facts and Figures by Country
3.4.1 Europe Sales by Country
3.4.2 Europe Sales by Country
3.5 Asia Pacific Market Facts and Figures by Region
3.6 Latin America Market Facts and Figures by Country
3.7 Middle East and Africa Market Facts and Figures by Country
4 Global Pore Strips for Teeth Historic Market Analysis by Type
4.1 Global Sales Market Share by Type (2015-2020)
4.2 Global Revenue Market Share by Type (2015-2020)
4.3 Global Price Market Share by Type (2015-2020)
4.4 Global Market Share by Price Tier (2015-2020)
5 Global Pore Strips for Teeth Historic Market Analysis by Application
5.1 Global Sales Market Share by Application (2015-2020)
5.2 Global Revenue Market Share by Application (2015-2020)
5.3 Global Price by Application (2015-2020)
6 Company Profiles and Key Figures in Pore Strips for Teeth Business
6.1 Manufacture 1
6.1.1 Corporation Information
6.1.2 Manufacture 1 Description, Business Overview and Total Revenue
6.1.3 Manufacture 1 Pore Strips for Teeth Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)
6.1.4 Manufacture 1 Products Offered
6.1.5 Manufacture 1 Recent Development
6.2 Manufacture 2
6.2.1 Manufacture 2 Pore Strips for Teeth Production Sites and Area Served
6.2.2 Manufacture 2 Description, Business Overview and Total Revenue
6.2.3 Manufacture 2 Pore Strips for Teeth Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)
6.2.4 Manufacture 2 Products Offered
6.2.5 Manufacture 2 Recent Development
7 Pore Strips for Teeth Manufacturing Cost Analysis
7.1 Pore Strips for Teeth Key Raw Materials Analysis
7.1.1 Key Raw Materials
7.1.2 Key Raw Materials Price Trend
7.1.3 Key Suppliers of Raw Materials
7.2 Proportion of Manufacturing Cost Structure
7.3 Manufacturing Process Analysis of Pore Strips for Teeth
7.4 Pore Strips for Teeth Industrial Chain Analysis
8 Marketing Channel, Distributors and Customers
8.1 Marketing Channel
8.2 Pore Strips for Teeth Distributors List
8.3 Pore Strips for Teeth Customers
9 Market Dynamics
9.1 Pore Strips for Teeth Market Trends
9.2 Opportunities and Drivers
9.3 Challenges
9.4 Porter's Five Forces Analysis
10 Global Market Forecast
10.1 Global Pore Strips for Teeth Market Estimates and Projections by Type
10.1.1 Global Forecasted Sales of Pore Strips for Teeth by Type (2021-2026)
10.1.2 Global Forecasted Revenue of Pore Strips for Teeth by Type (2021-2026)
10.2 Market Estimates and Projections by Application
10.2.1 Global Forecasted Sales of Pore Strips for Teeth by Application (2021-2026)
10.2.2 Global Forecasted Revenue of Pore Strips for Teeth by Application (2021-2026)
10.3 Market Estimates and Projections by Region
10.3.1 Global Forecasted Sales of Pore Strips for Teeth by Region (2021-2026)
10.3.2 Global Forecasted Revenue of Pore Strips for Teeth by Region (2021-2026)
10.4 North America Pore Strips for Teeth Estimates and Projections (2021-2026)
10.5 Europe Pore Strips for Teeth Estimates and Projections (2021-2026)
10.6 Asia Pacific Estimates and Projections (2021-2026)
10.7 Latin America Estimates and Projections (2021-2026)
10.8 Middle East and Africa Estimates and Projections (2021-2026)
11 Research Finding and Conclusion
12 Methodology and Data Source
12.1 Methodology/Research Approach
12.1.1 Research Programs/Design
12.1.2 Market Size Estimation
12.1.3 Market Breakdown and Data Triangulation
12.2 Data Source
12.2.1 Secondary Sources
12.2.2 Primary Sources
For Detailed TOC -
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The Big 5 by 2025

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We see Walmart as our friend, best prices, rarely out of stock, many open 24/7, and stores mostly every where, the best part of it all is one stop shopping. Gotta love it.
Background information showing the beginning of Walmart to better understand about the connection between the 5 by 2025.
The first true Walmart opened on July 2, 1962, in Rogers, Arkansas.[21] Called the Wal-Mart Discount City store.
Walton opened the chain in 1962 and built up the retailer to be the largest in the country in just 30 years.\_Walton
Samual Walton the Founder of the Wal-Mart chain
About Walmart
Walmart Inc: helps people around the world to save money and live better- anytime and any where- in retail stores, online, and through their mobile devices. Each week, over 275 million customers and members visit more than 11,000 stores under 58 banners in 27 countries and eCommerce websites. With fiscil year 2019 revenue of $514.4 billion, Walmart employs over 2.2 million associates world wide. Walmart continues to be a leader in sustainability, corporate philanthropy and employment opportunity. Additional information about Walmart can be found by visiting on Facebook at and on Twitter at
Walmart net profit 2019
2020 has hit the people where it creates the most destruction, our small business. One would think that everyone would see the effects due to job loses, the small and medium companies are fighting to stay afloat paying their bills, but not walmart. They have been increasing their wealth by 123% compared to 2019.
During a lock down essential services, l do realize that their needs to be food stores included. However their is no reason to keep stores open that carry anything from food, furniture, clothing, camping, automotive, etc... In theory this sound good except the fact that only food is classified as essentials.
All of the local food store that just handle food are told to close their doors, this behaviour is just plain bias.
We see that our leaders lock down the country, for what ever reason they feel we need to know changing from day to day. We seem to listen to the government news and believe them with no hard facts.
The people have been herded into the direction of the 5 monster entities, all of the others must be shut down because of the fear of dying. Here are some facts from Walmart web site, the numbers are sickening.
Walmart annual net income for 2020 was $14.881B, a 123.1% increase from 2019.
Maybe it is time to ask questions about the pre-meditated destruction of our lives, but are scared or just plain not wanting to be properly informed.
Every item purchase at Walmart helps bankrupt another local business. How do we sleep at night? This is just the beginning of what Walmart turned into in 20 years, the connection with the United Nations Global Governance Agenda, " green Planet all in it Togetter. This is not the only time you will hear this, it is being woven into our economy as well as our personal lives.
Walmart is listed as a partner
Walmart Sells To Chinese Investment Group For Over $500B
China is one of the charter members of the United Nations and is one of five permanent members of its Security Council.
One of the victorious Allies of the Second World War (locally known as the Second Sino-Japanese War), the Republic of China) (ROC) joined the UN upon its founding in 1945.\_and\_the\_United\_Nations
2019 Environmental, Social & Governance Report\_proxyDocument?id=0000016c-20b5-d46a-afff-f5bdafd30000
Is the picture getting clearer?
Walmart Joins Amazon With Massive Sustainability Pledge
Amazon as we must know, they are one of the 5 elite companies backing the 2030 Agenda.
Where It’s Going: Walmart’s $25 Million COVID-19 Commitment
One would think that a company that is making more money than most can even imagine, would contribute a whopping $ 25 million for CV-19 shows how important it is to have a healthy nation who will flock to them to spend our money. No they choose to give the appearance of caring. if this isn't a good reason to boycott the stores like, Walmart, Amazon, Proctor and Gamble, and the Super chain stores better known as Loblaw the heavy hitters of the elite stores. The last one that impacts our lives to the core, they are the reason l am writing this article about the controllers of society, soon down to our very thoughts.
Jeff Bezos Amazon
In late 1993, Bezos decided to establish an online bookstore\_Bezos#Amazon
Amazon Doubles Profit To $5.2 Billion As Online Shopping Spikes
Amazon annual/quarterly net income history and growth rate from 2006 to 2020. Net income can be defined as company's net profit or loss after all revenues, income items, and expenses have been accounted for.
Amazon net income for the quarter ending June 30, 2020 was $5.243B, a 99.73% increase year-over-year.
Amazon net income for the twelve months ending June 30, 2020 was $13.180B, a 8.96% increase year-over-year.
Amazon annual net income for 2019 was $11.588B, a 15.04% increase from 2018.
Amazon annual net income for 2018 was $10.073B, a 232.11% increase from 2017.
Amazon annual net income for 2017 was $3.033B, a 27.92% increase from 2016.
Bezos is pumping $10 billion into climate science.
Jeff climate change philanthropy has quite a few (hidden) strings attached
Procter & Gamble
Candlemaker William Proctor, born in England and soapmaker James Gamble bore in Ireland, both emigrated from the UK. They settled in Cincinnati, Ohio initially and met when they married sisters Olivia and Elizabeth Norris. Alex Norris, their father-in-law, persuaded them to become business partners, and in 1837 P/C was created.
For the fiscal year 2018, Procter & Gamble reported earnings of US$9.750 billion, with an annual revenue of US$66.832 billion, an increase of 2.7% over the previous fiscal cycle. Procter & Gamble's Shares traded at over $86 per share in 2017, and its market capitalization was valued at over US$221.5 billion in October 2018.[35] Procter & Gamble ranked No. 42 on the 2018 Fortune 500 list of the largest United States corporations by total revenue.
 Year Revenue 
in mil. USD$
 Net income 
in mil. USD$
 Total Assets 
in mil. USD$

 2005 56,741 6,923 61,527 

 2006 68,222 8,684 135,695 

 2007 74,832 10,340 138,014 

 2008 79,257 12,075 143,992 

 2009 76,694 13,436 134,833 

 2010 78,938 12,517 128,172 

 2011 82,559 11,564 138,354 

 2012 83,680 10,500 132,244 

 2013 84,167 11,068 139,263 121,000 

 2014 83,062 11,390 144,266 118,000 

 2015 76,279 6,777 129,495 110,000 

 2016 65,299 10,508 127,136 105,000 

 2017 65,058 15,326 120,406 95,000 

 2018 66,832 9,750 118,310 92,000 

 2019 67,684 3,897 115,095 97,000 
The board of directors of Procter & Gamble currently has 12 members.[36]

July 2019
As a global citizen, we are concerned about the negative consequences of climate change and believe governments, industry, and consumers all have a role to play in reducing greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere. We are committed to doing our part by focusing our efforts in the following areas:

  1. Reducing the intensity of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) from our own operations through:
    1. Driving energy efficiency measures throughout our facilities
    2. Transitioning energy sources toward lowezero carbon alternatives
    3. Driving more energy-efficient modes of transporting finished products
  2. We will help consumers to reduce their own GHG emissions through the use of our products via:
    1. Product and packaging innovations that enable more efficient consumer product use and energy consumption
    2. Consumer education to reduce GHG emissions such as the benefits of using cold water for machine washing
  3. Work with partners across our value chain to ensure responsible sourcing of agricultural commodities that are known to be associated with deforestation risks (e.g. palm oil, wood pulp).
  4. Work with our suppliers to identify meaningful opportunities to reduce our Scope 3 emissions
We will share progress on our overall climate change efforts, including reporting our Scope 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse gas emissions and progress against our goals, via our annual Citizenship Report.
Loblaw Companies/ super stores
Real Canadian Superstore is a chain of supermarkets owned by Canadian food retailing giant Loblaw Companies. Its name is often shortened to Superstore.
Originating in Western Canada in the late 1970s/early 1980s, the banner expanded into Ontario in the early 2000s as Loblaw attempts to fend off competition from department stores including U.S.-based Walmart.
Loblaw Companies Limited is the largest Canadian food retailer, encompassing corporate and franchise supermarkets operating under 22 regional and market segment banners (including Loblaws), as well as pharmacies, banking and apparel.[3] Loblaw operates a private label program that includes grocery and household items, clothing, baby products, pharmaceuticals, cellular phones, general merchandise, and financial services. Loblaw brands include President's Choice, No Name), Joe Fresh, T&T, Exact, life, Seaquest, Azami, and Teddy's Choice
Coronavirus outbreak in Canada lifts sales by 10.8%
2020 second quarter high lights
Reverue was $11,957 million. When compared to 2019, this represanted an increase of 4824 million, or 7%.
Retail segment sales were $11,768 million. When compared to the second quarter of 2019 this represented an increase of $862 million, or 7.9%.
Full article linked below:
Match made in food heaven:
CV-19 has been the only time where every Canadian felt food insecure. Every one of us, "she says". "People were scared for their families, themselves, because they didn't know the food supple chain wasn't broken; it was just changing"
And more change is coming. We currently have over 500 stores donating food but have now committed $ 1 million over 5 years to go towards the expansion of the platform into our stores that aren't currently participatiog in surplus food donations.
Full article below
Google CEO and key executive team
This group are the ones who have made it possible for the bad thing to be accepted as normal, as well as acceptable.
As of October 2020, the net worth of google is estimated at around $320 billion.
Google doesn't need an introduction about their control of the flow of information. We are mostly aware of the connections to the powerful on the planet.
These entities would be in line to supply all of the peoples needs their masters in control of coarse.
It is 2020 and one year ago we had no idea of what 2020 will bring. How many citizens of society knew this was coming? A very small percentage.
For the general population their vision is to supply only what they decide what we require, to keep making them richer. The next 5 years will show what they feel we need, this will not include eating out, having out door gatherings as well as in doors. Mostly everything we took for granted in 2019 will be erased by 2025. One might say this is a conspiracy theory, let me remind you that in 2019 we said being stopped from work, and kids not in school was impossible. Look at us now.
I will be adding more as the information comes available.
submitted by SeparateVoice5262 to u/SeparateVoice5262 [link] [comments]

The Mini PCI-Express AX-200 card: an AliExpress gamble documented

Post is unnecessarily long: go to bottom for TLDR
I bought my first ThinkPad, a X220, roughly 4 months ago. Amazing little machine.... sadly it didnt come with Bluetooth, and the the earphones i usually use are wireless. It was time to fix that and in style, not with a lame 4 bucks BT card. Its wifi card time.
There are a bunch of wifi cards you can replace your stock one with, and most of them are documented in the X220 bible itself: All of them are pretty decent. Some of them were actually produced officially like the popular Intel 7260, others like the Intel 8260 were never available in the mini PCI-Express format/interface, and the fact that it does exist is because somebody took the time to get the "card" in M.2 1216 format (a very compact format meant to be soldered down directly onto motherboards) and stuck them on an adapter. The mini PCI-e format is long obsolete. But...
The AX-200 is a very popular card on newer ThinkPads: heck, it is currently being shipped on machines the tier of the P-53, current (not for very long) gen stuff. It is a card released in Q2'19, and packs bluetooth 5.1 + the cutting edge WiFi 6. 2019. For some reasons, this card was being sold on AliExpress in mini PCIe format.
Now. The ThinkPad X220 was released in 2011: how is possible for a card this new to be available in a long obsolete interface for a laptop made 8 years earlier? didnt take very long for people to buy it, pry off the shield off the card and realize what was going on. As expected, the mini PCIe AX-200 wasnt something that momma Intel cooked herself, but was something the chinese sellers made by getting engineering samples fallen from the back of god knows what truck, and soldering them to adapters which is, of course, illegal since engineering samples are merely something that the producer hands out for testing purpuoses and are still intellectual property of the producer and certaintly not for resale.
Community Reaction
The reaction of the community to this ""product"" wasnt very warm at all: "scam" "what the hell is this" "dont buy" which is somewhat justified since the card was lacking an antenna connection, and apparently the card would perform quite poorly, being stuck limping on only one antenna. But im not certain this card deserves the hate it was receiving.
Personal Evaluation
From my point of view, this card didnt look that evil, and that was ironically thanks to to the same redditor that posted his findings telling people not to buy it, and thanks to a comment of his:
I bought 4 of this cards from Aliexpress in order to upgrade some of my machines with better wifi. Turned out this cards are in fact a scam because they sell enginerring samples of the AX200 and internally only one antenna is connected. The card caused me problems because it only reached 433,3mbit/s and found no bluetooth devices so i decided to take a look under the shield to see whats actually inside. Only one anrenna was connected and after connecting the antenna wires directly to the card inside it works fine. its just a matter of adding a single connection or even dont: the module, being a M.2 1216 form factor meant to be soldered down onto mobos probably didnt even need the additional shielding that was probably added to make this rather illegal looking card look more inconspicuous, and with a couple of adapters to directly connect the antenna to the connectors on the M.2 module itself it wouldnt even have needed soldering. This card, from being a "certain scam", looked more and more like an interesting project. I like soldering, and tinkering with hardware: i inspected the schematics of the X220 motherboard, checked pinouts, interfaces, connections, everything i could my hands on and concluded that the card would likely have worked fine, and without taping the infamous pin 51 on the card itself like its needed on cards such as the intel 7260 which is a rather annoying and finicky procedure, without considering its inelegancy. The only drawback seemed to be the bluetooth led: inspecting the pinout of the card, the mini pcie standard inself and X220 schematics i concluded the led wouldnt have worked being the connections simply missing on that card slot.
Buying the card
So i armed myself with my prepaid card, ordered a set of adapters, and of course the card itself.... that never left China. The seller provided a tracking number, and said number simply died not returing any info. The card never left the seller's warehouse. This, of course, was an excellent occasion to pull out of the deal, get my 22 euros back and swear to myself not to gamble my money on unofficial hardware, like a normal consumer would do after fooling themselves into thinking they are smarter than they actually are. Moreover, the card completely disappered from aliexpress, and from all stores at the same time. What happened is unclear: maybe they ran out of stock and couldnt send me one anymore, maybe it was a more spicy fact like they were forced to remove it from sale by aliexpress after realizing they were reselling stuff that shouldnt be resold. This card suddently became a rarity, a mysterious piece, and i had a small chance to still get it.*
....and the collector's instincts kicked in.
The card arrived today. It came in a nice plastic enclosure, a full height slot adapter and a cute little screwdriver. I had my adapters ready, but first i wanted to test the card as it was out of the box, to establish a baseline on how this card performs. I popped it in my X220, booted in linux mint and checked if it would connect to my wifi access point automatically as usual. It didnt, but i could see wifi networks so i tried to connect to mine. It worked perfectly. I opened a youtube video, cranked the resolution to the max. It worked fine. Well, alright. What about bluetooth then? Worked fine as well. Okay, if only one antenna is connected, probably the range is bad, right? So i place my X220 in the room furthest from the router, the kitchen, behind the oven. Still doing fine. At this point i was desperate: What do i do now? I had the soldering iron ready and everything is working out of the box! Oh well... Ill just open the card to see if i can do anything...
Would you look at that. The damn thing is already assembled correctly! Aww. And they tried to cover the engineering sample markings with a sharpie. Hilarious! Thats kinda ugly though. Let me fix it with some alcohol. Much better! I wonder why i got the card assembled correctly. Maybe getting a couple of negative feedback on aliexpress pushed the seller into fixing it or maybe there is high variance in the quality of the assembly and i got lucky. Well... There is nothing more to do. Rather anticlimactic, i know. Even the damn LEDs work correctly, even though i thought the BT one wouldnt have worked! Well thats kinda unexpected to me..
You might be wondering what was the purpuose of this pointlessly long post. Well, i wanted to try and make a story out of it, i concur its midly interesting at best but i was too deep into it when i realized it and didnt feel like deleting everything. Also, other people reached out to me when they knew i was interested in the AX200 asking me to document the process and be their guinea pig in this somewhat shady purchase. Sadly the card isnt available anymore, so this post cant even have that purpuose anymore. Kek. *There is still one postingwith the card available. The shield looks different than the one i bought so im not too sure they are the same under the hood. Thanks to u/mireqB for pointing that out!
TLDR: Its an engineering sample stuck on adapter, people bough it and it didnt work well because one antenna connection was missing, i decided to get one anyway and fix it myself, seller didnt send the card and at the same time all postings of it disappeared from the site, i asked again the seller to ship the card, it arrived and worked flawlessly out of the box because everything was already connected properly.
submitted by Basileus_ITA to thinkpad [link] [comments]

The Big 5 by 2025

THE BIG 5 BY 2025
We see Walmart as our friend, best prices, rarely out of stock, many open 24/7, and stores mostly every where, the best part of it all is one stop shopping. Gotta love it.
Background information showing the beginning of Walmart to better understand about the connection between the 5 by 2025.
The first true Walmart opened on July 2, 1962, in Rogers, Arkansas.[21] Called the Wal-Mart Discount City store.
Walton opened the chain in 1962 and built up the retailer to be the largest in the country in just 30 years.\_Walton
Samual Walton the Founder of the Wal-Mart chain
About Walmart
Walmart Inc: helps people around the world to save money and live better- anytime and any where- in retail stores, online, and through their mobile devices. Each week, over 275 million customers and members visit more than 11,000 stores under 58 banners in 27 countries and eCommerce websites. With fiscil year 2019 revenue of $514.4 billion, Walmart employs over 2.2 million associates world wide. Walmart continues to be a leader in sustainability, corporate philanthropy and employment opportunity. Additional information about Walmart can be found by visiting on Facebook at and on Twitter at
Walmart net profit 2019
2020 has hit the people where it creates the most destruction, our small business. One would think that everyone would see the effects due to job loses, the small and medium companies are fighting to stay afloat paying their bills, but not walmart. They have been increasing their wealth by 123% compared to 2019.
During a lock down essential services, l do realize that their needs to be food stores included. However their is no reason to keep stores open that carry anything from food, furniture, clothing, camping, automotive, etc... In theory this sound good except the fact that only food is classified as essentials.
All of the local food store that just handle food are told to close their doors, this behaviour is just plain bias.
We see that our leaders lock down the country, for what ever reason they feel we need to know changing from day to day. We seem to listen to the government news and believe them with no hard facts.
The people have been herded into the direction of the 5 monster entities, all of the others must be shut down because of the fear of dying. Here are some facts from Walmart web site, the numbers are sickening.
Walmart annual net income for 2020 was $14.881B, a 123.1% increase from 2019.
Maybe it is time to ask questions about the pre-meditated destruction of our lives, but are scared or just plain not wanting to be properly informed.
Every item purchase at Walmart helps bankrupt another local business. How do we sleep at night? This is just the beginning of what Walmart turned into in 20 years, the connection with the United Nations Global Governance Agenda, " green Planet all in it Togetter. This is not the only time you will hear this, it is being woven into our economy as well as our personal lives.
Walmart is listed as a partner
Walmart Sells To Chinese Investment Group For Over $500B
China is one of the charter members of the United Nations and is one of five permanent members of its Security Council.
One of the victorious Allies of the Second World War (locally known as the Second Sino-Japanese War), the Republic of China) (ROC) joined the UN upon its founding in 1945.\_and\_the\_United\_Nations
2019 Environmental, Social & Governance Report\_proxyDocument?id=0000016c-20b5-d46a-afff-f5bdafd30000
Is the picture getting clearer?
Walmart Joins Amazon With Massive Sustainability Pledge
Amazon as we must know, they are one of the 5 elite companies backing the 2030 Agenda.
Where It’s Going: Walmart’s $25 Million COVID-19 Commitment
One would think that a company that is making more money than most can even imagine, would contribute a whopping $ 25 million for CV-19 shows how important it is to have a healthy nation who will flock to them to spend our money. No they choose to give the appearance of caring. if this isn't a good reason to boycott the stores like, Walmart, Amazon, Proctor and Gamble, and the Super chain stores better known as Loblaw the heavy hitters of the elite stores. The last one that impacts our lives to the core, they are the reason l am writing this article about the controllers of society, soon down to our very thoughts.
Jeff Bezos Amazon
In late 1993, Bezos decided to establish an online bookstore\_Bezos#Amazon
Amazon Doubles Profit To $5.2 Billion As Online Shopping Spikes
Amazon annual/quarterly net income history and growth rate from 2006 to 2020. Net income can be defined as company's net profit or loss after all revenues, income items, and expenses have been accounted for.
Amazon net income for the quarter ending June 30, 2020 was $5.243B, a 99.73% increase year-over-year.
Amazon net income for the twelve months ending June 30, 2020 was $13.180B, a 8.96% increase year-over-year.
Amazon annual net income for 2019 was $11.588B, a 15.04% increase from 2018.
Amazon annual net income for 2018 was $10.073B, a 232.11% increase from 2017.
Amazon annual net income for 2017 was $3.033B, a 27.92% increase from 2016.
Bezos is pumping $10 billion into climate science.
Jeff climate change philanthropy has quite a few (hidden) strings attached
Procter & Gamble
Candlemaker William Proctor, born in England and soapmaker James Gamble bore in Ireland, both emigrated from the UK. They settled in Cincinnati, Ohio initially and met when they married sisters Olivia and Elizabeth Norris. Alex Norris, their father-in-law, persuaded them to become business partners, and in 1837 P/C was created.
For the fiscal year 2018, Procter & Gamble reported earnings of US$9.750 billion, with an annual revenue of US$66.832 billion, an increase of 2.7% over the previous fiscal cycle. Procter & Gamble's Shares traded at over $86 per share in 2017, and its market capitalization was valued at over US$221.5 billion in October 2018.[35] Procter & Gamble ranked No. 42 on the 2018 Fortune 500 list of the largest United States corporations by total revenue.
 Year Revenue 
in mil. USD$
 Net income 
in mil. USD$
 Total Assets 
in mil. USD$

 2005 56,741 6,923 61,527 

 2006 68,222 8,684 135,695 

 2007 74,832 10,340 138,014 

 2008 79,257 12,075 143,992 

 2009 76,694 13,436 134,833 

 2010 78,938 12,517 128,172 

 2011 82,559 11,564 138,354 

 2012 83,680 10,500 132,244 

 2013 84,167 11,068 139,263 121,000 

 2014 83,062 11,390 144,266 118,000 

 2015 76,279 6,777 129,495 110,000 

 2016 65,299 10,508 127,136 105,000 

 2017 65,058 15,326 120,406 95,000 

 2018 66,832 9,750 118,310 92,000 

 2019 67,684 3,897 115,095 97,000 
The board of directors of Procter & Gamble currently has 12 members.[36]

July 2019
As a global citizen, we are concerned about the negative consequences of climate change and believe governments, industry, and consumers all have a role to play in reducing greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere. We are committed to doing our part by focusing our efforts in the following areas:

  1. Reducing the intensity of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) from our own operations through:
    1. Driving energy efficiency measures throughout our facilities
    2. Transitioning energy sources toward lowezero carbon alternatives
    3. Driving more energy-efficient modes of transporting finished products
  2. We will help consumers to reduce their own GHG emissions through the use of our products via:
    1. Product and packaging innovations that enable more efficient consumer product use and energy consumption
    2. Consumer education to reduce GHG emissions such as the benefits of using cold water for machine washing
  3. Work with partners across our value chain to ensure responsible sourcing of agricultural commodities that are known to be associated with deforestation risks (e.g. palm oil, wood pulp).
  4. Work with our suppliers to identify meaningful opportunities to reduce our Scope 3 emissions
We will share progress on our overall climate change efforts, including reporting our Scope 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse gas emissions and progress against our goals, via our annual Citizenship Report.
Loblaw Companies/ super stores
Real Canadian Superstore is a chain of supermarkets owned by Canadian food retailing giant Loblaw Companies. Its name is often shortened to Superstore.
Originating in Western Canada in the late 1970s/early 1980s, the banner expanded into Ontario in the early 2000s as Loblaw attempts to fend off competition from department stores including U.S.-based Walmart.
Loblaw Companies Limited is the largest Canadian food retailer, encompassing corporate and franchise supermarkets operating under 22 regional and market segment banners (including Loblaws), as well as pharmacies, banking and apparel.[3] Loblaw operates a private label program that includes grocery and household items, clothing, baby products, pharmaceuticals, cellular phones, general merchandise, and financial services. Loblaw brands include President's Choice, No Name), Joe Fresh, T&T, Exact, life, Seaquest, Azami, and Teddy's Choice
Coronavirus outbreak in Canada lifts sales by 10.8%
2020 second quarter high lights
Reverue was $11,957 million. When compared to 2019, this represanted an increase of 4824 million, or 7%.
Retail segment sales were $11,768 million. When compared to the second quarter of 2019 this represented an increase of $862 million, or 7.9%.
Full article linked below:
Match made in food heaven:
CV-19 has been the only time where every Canadian felt food insecure. Every one of us, "she says". "People were scared for their families, themselves, because they didn't know the food supple chain wasn't broken; it was just changing"
And more change is coming. We currently have over 500 stores donating food but have now committed $ 1 million over 5 years to go towards the expansion of the platform into our stores that aren't currently participatiog in surplus food donations.
Full article below
Google CEO and key executive team
This group are the ones who have made it possible for the bad thing to be accepted as normal, as well as acceptable.
As of October 2020, the net worth of google is estimated at around $320 billion.
Google doesn't need an introduction about their control of the flow of information. We are mostly aware of the connections to the powerful on the planet.
These entities would be in line to supply all of the peoples needs their masters in control of coarse.
It is 2020 and one year ago we had no idea of what 2020 will bring. How many citizens of society knew this was coming? A very small percentage.
For the general population their vision is to supply only what they decide what we require, to keep making them richer. The next 5 years will show what they feel we need, this will not include eating out, having out door gatherings as well as in doors. Mostly everything we took for granted in 2019 will be erased by 2025. One might say this is a conspiracy theory, let me remind you that in 2019 we said being stopped from work, and kids not in school was impossible. Look at us now.
I will be adding more as the information comes available.
submitted by louisgacsi to u/louisgacsi [link] [comments]

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